Nancy Moreno - Baylor College of Medicine
Alana Newell - Baylor College of Medicine
Neil Osheroff - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Program evaluation is the systematic assessment of educational initiatives, policies, programs, or interventions to determine their effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and impact on trainees, educators, and communities. It involves collecting and analyzing data to provide evidence-based feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the program, progress toward achieving intended outcomes, and recommendations for improvement or modification. A strategic approach to evaluation is essential to achieve the long-term success and sustainability of programs. One such approach is to develop a logic model. Logic models visually connect intended outcomes with the resources and activities that go into a program, depicting relationships among program inputs, planned work, measurable outputs or products, and short and long-term outcomes or impacts for students or other learners. A well-constructed logic model can guide decision-making about data collection, assessment timepoints and overall program evaluation, supporting clear alignment between these measures and the desired outcomes. In this workshop, an experienced investigation and program evaluation team will guide participants through the elements and development process of a logic model, identify connections between the logic model and formative and summative evaluation components, and provide templates, strategies, and practice to foster excellence in their educational programs. Workshop
The workshop emphasizes the importance of program evaluation for the long-term success and sustainability of educational programs. As a result of participating in this session, participants will be able to:
- describe the elements of a logic model, and
- apply a logic model to refine evaluation and assessment strategies in the context of their own programs.
Who Should Attend
The workshop will be relevant for a wide range of conference participants who are involved in program design and are either familiar or less familiar with program evaluation.
Workshop Schedule:
- 12:30 - 12:40 (10 min) Introductions, session goals, agenda, and distribution of resources
- 12:40 - 12:50 (10 min) Session Warm-Up: and think pair share discussion of questions and experiences related to planning and evaluating an educational program.
- 12:50 - 1:10 (20 min) Overview of a logic model, with examples.
- 1:10 - 1:20 (10 min) Guided demonstration of using a logic model, starting with development of measurable outcomes, and showing the importance of alignment across components of a program.
- 1:20 - 2:20 (60 min) Individual and Small Group Activities: Individuals will select a project that is relevant to their work and use a logic model to identify outcomes and impacts, plan program activities and outputs, and identify resources and other “inputs”. Between each step, mentored small groups will discuss and troubleshoot challenges. Session leaders will act as program mentors.
- 2:20 - 2:40 (20 min) Large Group Activity: Presentation and discussion of program evaluations created.
- 2:40 - 2:50 (10 min) Overview of measuring outcomes
- 2:50 - 3:10 (20 min) Individual and Small Group Activities: Individuals begin to create formative and summative assessments of their outputs and outcomes. Mentored small groups will discuss and troubleshoot challenges. Session leaders will act as program mentors.
- 3:10 - 3:20 (10 min) Large Group Activity: Presentation and discussion of assessment tools.
- 3:20 - 3:30 (10 min) Group Discussion and Questions: What were the most challenging aspects of implementing a program evaluation? How might you use a program evaluation?