Full Name
Sheena Brown
Director of Assessment
Lincoln Memorial University
Sheena D. Brown, a neurodivergent individual, currently serves as the Director of Assessment of Lincoln Memorial University-Tampa Physician Assistant Program and has more than nine years of experience in PA education. Dr. Brown received her Ph.D. in Molecular and Systems Pharmacology and Master of Science in Clinical Research from Emory University. She is also a proud graduate of Spelman College where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She has over 15 years of translational and clinical research experience in the areas of pediatric asthma, health disparities, and alcohol-induced lung injury. Dr. Brown's current research focuses on diversity in physician assistant education, the link between nutrition and asthma-related health outcomes, and community-level approaches to eliminating health disparities. As a neurodivergent person, she brings a unique perspective to her work and is committed to promoting equity and inclusion in healthcare education and practice.
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