Full Name
Kenneth Finn
MD, Co-Vice President of IASIC
Kenneth Finn, MD has been practicing Pain Medicine in Colorado Springs since 1994. He is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1995), Pain Medicine (1998), and Pain Management (2000). He is President-Elect (2020) to the American Board of Pain Medicine. He served on the Colorado Governor’s Task Force on Amendment 64, which legalized marijuana for recreational use, Consumer Safety and Social Issues Work Group (2012) and serve 4 years on Colorado’s Medical Marijuana Scientific Advisory Council (2014-18). He has testified to the Canadian Senate on their marijuana bill (2018) and speaks internationally on the health impacts of marijuana, including being an invited to the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and the Texas Medical Society. He is editor of Cannabis in Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach (2020) and currently the Co-Vice President (2021) of the International Academy on the Science and Impacts of Cannabis (https://iasic1.org)
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