Christopher Sharp - University of Florida
Misti Sharp - University of Florida
Hannah Shear - Oklahoma State University
We all know that the landscape of teaching has changed since COVID-19. It has changed in terms of how students are expected to engage with materials, what administrators expect of teachers, and how students interact with each other and instructors in the classroom setting. The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to some of the hot new tools that have been integrated into canvas that are meant to increase student engagement in both an online and face-to-face classroom setting. The tools demonstrated in this workshop will include TopHat, Packback, Lumi (H5P), Perusall, and Gradescope. Workshop participants will have the ability to access an open canvas course where the workshop presenters will assign fun activities all related to chile peppers that are engaging, giving workshop participants hands on experience with these modern learning tools from a student perspective, while at the same time learning the nuts and bolts of using these tools from instructors and instructional designers who use these tools in their own classes. Student feedback about these tools will be provided along with supporting resources. These LTIs take reading, formative assessment, interactive lecturing, and grading of creative work to the next level with the help of AI tools. Given New Mexico State’s motto of “Be Bold: Shape the Future” we expect this workshop to be on par with the excellence driven by the host institution of NACTA 2023.