Assessment is integral to teaching and learning; however, instructors and students often face challenges with current grading practices. Instructors may struggle with having enough time to provide feedback and create authentic assessments. For students, grades are linked to decreased motivation and a lack of enjoyment, often bolstered by a fear of failure. Additionally, current grading practices often reinforce inequalities based on individual and institutional biases. Making grading more inclusive may involve small changes or moving to alternative grading approaches such as ungrading, specifications grading, and pass/fail. This workshop will provide an interactive experience for educators to understand and identify ways to incorporate inclusive grading into their classrooms. During the workshop, participants will 1) define inclusive grading within the context of equity and inclusion; 2) explore grading practices from different perspectives (ex., students, instructors, employers, etc.); 3) discuss examples of inclusive grading; and 4) create a plan for incorporating inclusive grading.