Robert King - Monroe Community College
Don Mulvaney - Auburn University
Experiential education is a teaching philosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities” (Association of Experiential Education, 2022). In this NACTA Experiential Learning Committee (ELC) workshop, participants will actively examine theory and practice of experiential learning emphasizing principles and stages within Kolb’s Theory of EL (concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation) as well as Fink’s Taxonomy of Significant Learning. Attendees will experience problem based learning through engagement in innovative ideation of strategies for classroom and curricular implementation in order to improve alignment with workforce readiness (see NACE gaps). Participants will interact with experienced EL panelists and other participants to: 1) examine possible workforce readiness gaps; 2) discuss concerns / tensions around technical education and employer expectations of college graduates (see EdSurge) and how to ‘step-up the game within higher ed to compete within the educational landscape; 3) engage in case/problem-based exercises to discover ‘how to help ag curricula keep up’ in meeting expectations of employers of graduates from non-ag disciplines; and 4) leave the workshop with a personalized framework for EL plans to implement to provide learners with robust, life-preparing and practical EL experiences outside and inside the classroom, to prepare your students for adaptation and success in a forever changing world. Results from a NACTA Experiential Learning Committee survey related to the Workforce Gap and inventory of institutional experiential learning practices will be incorporated into the workshop discussion. Through facilitated hands-on participation, reflective practice, and modeling of principles in the experiential learning cycle and use of small groups, participants in this workshop will be guided in challenge exercises designed to outline possibilities for implementing, customizing and improving EL principles and practice within classrooms and curricula on their campus. The workshop and projected outcomes are highly aligned with the NACTA mission. The workshop will be limited to 25 participants.