Workshop: Exploring the Amplification of Learning Through the Praxis of Experiential Learning
Date & Time
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Zhiyong Cheng Laura Greenhaw Ella Johnson Robert "Bob" King Chyi-lyi Liang Donald Mulvaney Mark Russell Donna Westfall-Rudd

Experiential learning enhances career readiness of graduates and makes individuals more competitive within the job market and careers. “Experiential education is a teaching philosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities” (Association of Experiential Education, 2022). Praxis is a process by which theory, lesson, or skill is integrated, enacted, embodied or applied through practice. It may also refer to an act of engaging, applying, exercising, or practicing innovative ideas. In this experiential learning (EL) workshop, participants will engagingly examine new and best practices (BPs) of experiential learning surrounding the vast variety of options for classroom, curricula and emphasizing community engagement implementation. Participants will interact with experienced EL facilitators, ELC core members and other workshop participants to: 1) explore the most essential of the BPs; 2) discuss development of customized expectations for a community intersecting, engaged EL; 3) engage in case scenario exercises which example a variety of EL projects; 4) have clarity and confidence into the process of outcome evaluation in order to shape effective implementation of EL, and 5) leave the workshop with a customized framework for implementing their EL proposal which impacts their learners with impactful, life-preparing experiences. Results from a NACTA Experiential Learning Committee survey related to the inventory of experiential learning practices will be incorporated into the workshop discussion. Through facilitated hands-on participation, reflective practice, modeling of principles of an EL cycle and use of small groups, participants in this workshop will be guided in challenge exercises designed to clarify possibilities for implementing, customizing and assessing the practice of EL principles plus discover their plans for implementation of EL within their customized contexts on their campus and communities.

Location Name
Fisher Complex: Fisher North Exhibit Area
Full Address
Ohio State University - Wooster
1328 Dover Rd
Wooster, OH 44691
United States
Session Type