Presented By: Cheryl Wachenheim, North Dakota State University
Widespread availability of artificial intelligence tools such as Chat GPT, Co-Pilot, and Dell E-2, and artificial intelligence tutors such as Khanmigo provide opportunities and introduce threats to our traditional instructional models. Our premise is that we should cautiously embrace the use of generative AI tools because they will be available and continue to improve in functionality for the remainder of our careers and for the rest of our students' lives. There has been considerable attention towards how to incorporate AI into student work, as well as how to mitigate inappropriate use of AI by students. This presentation will rather focus on how instructors can use AI to increase efficiency, build better instructional products, and make their classrooms more engaging. For example, we can quickly develop the first draft of a personalized letter of recommendation for a student by uploading the job, internship, or scholarship description and the student's resume and instructing Chat GPT to write a letter of recommendation. The draft can be refined iteratively by asking that the letter be rewritten with a focus on student experiences, academic accolades, or the fit of student experiences with the job in question, for example. Another example is using the AI product Co-Pilot to build strong and interesting PowerPoint presentations from text. Many other examples will be introduced to participants. Notably, the presentation will purposely not focus on discussion regarding whether particular uses of AI tools are appropriate or not. Should be great!
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