Full Name
Cheryl Wachenheim
North Dakota State University
Cheryl Wachenheim is a Professor in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University. She holds an undergraduate degree in animal sciences from the University of Minnesota, and a Master’s and doctorate in Agricultural Economics and an MBA from Michigan State University. She began her academic career at Illinois State University in Central Illinois and has been on the faculty at NDSU since 1998. She regularly teaches classes in economics, agricultural sales, agricultural finance, agricultural marketing, and strategic marketing and management. Research interests focus on eliciting perceptions and valuations from consumers, firms, students and other stakeholders and decision makers. Analysis then allows for identification of high-value marketing and management strategies. Cheryl has been a member of the MN Army National Guard since 1998. She is currently the Commander of the 204th Area Medical Support Company in Cottage Grove, Minnesota.
Cheryl Wachenheim