Integrating a Debrief Culture to Maximize Team Performance

David Fuentes, University of Portland
Jeremy Hughes, Chicago State University

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)
Presentation Category
Team Processes and Dynamics
Presentation Topic(s)
Debrief, Team Performance

In alignment with the INSciTS vision to “create and facilitate a high-impact community that develops and disseminates an evidence-base to support team science,” this session will present the current evidence on debriefing and a debriefing culture to help improve and maximize team interactions, trust-building, team dynamics, and results. Presenting the most useful practices in organizational psychology, and the science supporting teams and groups, this session will help attendees consider the power and benefit of integrating a debriefing structure within their most important and mission-critical gatherings. In this session, the pros and cons to integrating a debrief culture will be presented and reviewed, as well as techniques for promoting psychological safety in the team environment. Additionally, attendees will evaluate which of their current meetings and teams could benefit from integration of a debrief to facilitate team assessment, evaluation, feedback, and improvement.

In alignment with the INSciTS mission to “addressing complex problems…(through) cross-disciplinary collaboration,” this session could benefit attendees with strategies on whether – and how to – integrate a debrief culture and a debrief structure into their most critical and important meetings. The session will offer participants to reflect on the amount of information sharing and level of psychological safety in various teams that they interact with. Attendees and members of the INSciTS community will benefit by gaining exposure to various simple structures that may be easily integrated into their current meeting practices to help improve communication, optimize team connection, engender trust, and promote positive change as the team dynamic improves over time.

During this session, attendees will be able to:

  1. List the pros and cons to integrating a debrief culture into all aspects of their work within the organization.
  2. Analyze their current team dynamics within their organization to assess the viability of integrating a debrief into their routine organizational practices.
  3. Evaluate their current practices in integrating team debriefs into routine organizational gatherings and meetings.