Leveraging Library Insights for Enhanced Team Science: An Emerging Service Model

Brian Mathews, Carnegie Mellon University

Thursday, August 1, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM (EDT)
Presentation Category
Team Processes and Dynamics
Presentation Topic(s)
Knowledge Management, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Libraries

Situated within a research library, this presentation highlights unique access to a diverse array of research teams and interdisciplinary groups from across a university.

A series of interviews and observations have enabled an in-depth exploration of team dynamics, operational challenges, and collaborative strategies. The focal points of this investigation include knowledge management, documentation, collaborative note-taking, literature reviews, productivity enhancements, and mechanisms for exploring new research questions and tracking impact metrics.

This presentation will outline key findings regarding the common challenges and needs of research teams across several disciplines. It will introduce an emerging library service model designed to further explore and apply these findings by enhancing support for interdisciplinary research collaboration. This model seeks to empower researchers through tailored support services that address the specific needs identified in the study, thus fostering more effective and innovative team science.