Full Name
Caroline Freitag
Evaluation Specialist
Northwestern University
Caroline Freitag is an evaluation specialist with Northwestern University’s Program Evaluation Core where she leads evaluation of several grant funded projects. Most recently, she was the embedded evaluator in Northwestern’s NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology where she evaluated the Center’s training programs. She also served as evaluation lead on the team that successfully competed for the next generation quantitative biology award, the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology, a joint effort between Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. Caroline also evaluates other NSF-, NIH- and AHA-funded education and training programs including boot camps, REUs and T32s. She is an active member of the INSciTS Education and Training special interest group. Prior to joining Northwestern, Caroline collaborated with Chicago’s Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum education department to evaluate one of their flagship student science programs: field trip workshops. Her interests include participatory evaluation, undergraduate research programs, aligning and integrating evaluation with training programs, and team science assessment and evaluation. Before coming to evaluation, she spent several years as an instructor in science and research writing.