Full Name
Desiree Zercher
PhD student
University of Mannheim
Désirée Zercher is a PhD student and research assistant at the Chair of General Management and Information Systems at the University of Mannheim. She is also a project collaborator in the Rescue Network-5G project, founded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. This project focuses on enhancing emergency care for stroke patients through the utilization of a mobile stroke unit and artificial intelligence. Trained as a psychologist, she adopts an interdisciplinary approach in her research, particularly in understanding how teams can effectively collaborate with AI team members, encompassing various aspects of teaming processes such as team decision-making processes and outcomes, development of trust in AI, team climate or the perception of AI as a team member in team-AI collaboration. Before her doctoral studies, she worked as a research assistant in the research department of the German statutory accident insurance, focusing on enhancing the diagnosis, treatment, and case management of mental disorders resulting from work-related accidents.
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