Full Name
Margaret Browne Huntt
Assistant Dean
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Margaret Browne Huntt, Ph.D., serves as the Assistant Director for Strategic Research Initiatives and Chief Diversity Officer at the Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL). She has been with the CCIL since its inception and plays a vital role in the development and execution of CCIL activities. Her proven administrative and facilitative skills have enabled the integration of vision, decision making, and resource allocation. She provides support to the center’s strategic research activities, partnerships, and special projects by building collaborative research networks. She has aided in the assessment and development of numerous research and strategic thematic areas. She works with institutional stakeholders – both internal and external – to determine infrastructure needs and implements processes to promote those collaborations. She leads the administration of the CCIL’s strategic planning process, the development and execution of all new programs, and engagement opportunities with clinical partners. Margaret has held many administrative and leadership positions. Additionally, she has served on several campus-level initiatives including the Provost Initiative – Big 10 Academic Alliance (BTAA) Health Equity Initiative and the Chancellor’s Call to Action to Address Racism and Social Injustice – Diversity and Culture of Inclusion Committee. With over a decade of experience in diversity, equity, inclusion, and access research and training, Margaret is a co-principal investigator of the Racial Microaggression interdisciplinary research project. Her master’s and doctoral degrees are from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Educational Organization and Leadership program.
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