Widening the Road to Health Professions Education
Expanding access for diverse and underserved populations
Sometimes you just need to add more lanes to the highway. The IAMSE Webinar Committee is excited to announce our Spring series, Widening the Road to Health Professions Education: Expanding access for diverse and underserved populations. This series will explore innovative practices in recruiting and matriculating students from underserved populations into health sciences programs and creating pathways for students to meet the unique needs of their communities. It begins on March 2, 2023, with a discussion by Thomas Thesen, Jacqueline Ekeoba, Mariam Manuel and Lily Lam on mechanisms for early outreach to students in the K-12 sector. The program will continue on March 9 with a presentation on accelerated MD programs by Joan Cangiarella and Shou Ling Leong. Machelle Linsenmeyer and Natasha Bray will provide insights into rural medicine pathway programs on March 16. Stephen Schneid will review metrics and assessment strategies on March 23. Finally, Leila Amiri will wrap up the series on March 30 with a thoughtful discussion of how admissions processes can assist with the goal of equitable recruitment.
Sessions Begin March 2, 2023!
Join us every Thursday in March for the IAMSE Spring 2023 Webcast Audio Seminar Series.
Sessions include:
Llly Lam - City University of New York
Mariam Manuel - University of Houston
Thomas Thesen - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Machelle Linsenmeyer - West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine