A problem a practitioner of Team-Based Learning (TBL) faces is ensuring students have prepared for class with pre-work. This workshop will integrate contemplative pedagogy into TBL in an exercise simulating a graduate management class as a method to increase student learning. The workshop will introduce a flow of reading, writing, testing, mini-lecture, and practical application of theory in practice over a 2:45 simulation of a working adult management class. Management education is an ideal opportunity for TBL given that organizations execute their work with teams, and team learning is essential to organizational improvement. Application of team activities in class mimics team meetings and work in the workplace, along with communication, conflict, negotiation, learning, and accountability. Though one may find a solution in the coercive aspect of reduced points for the students that do not complete the pre-work, at times the distraction and effort may not be of commensurate value in lost effectiveness. An alternative lies in the integration of Contemplative Pedagogy at the start of class connecting the readings, learning objectives, RAT, and 4S flow from TBL. Contemplative Pedagogy immerses students in deep, focused learning by removing distraction with contemplation and introspection before the testing. By pairing contemplative reading with contemplative writing at the beginning of class, students are better prepared for the TBL framework and integration of theory into the practical application of the 4S Framework using the Significant and Same Problem, Specific Choice, and Simultaneous Report. The ancient, monastic practice of Lectio Divina when used as Contemplative Pedagogy with reading and writing supports the intent of TBL with a community focus building common understanding because of listening, interpretation, response to questions, and contemplation. Integration of on-topic Wall Street Journal articles addressing management problems brings theory into practice for the 4S Team Application Tasks connecting learning objectives, texts, and TBL.