Developing the ability to give and receive constructive feedback is one of the objectives that we set for our students in team-based learning courses, and one of the outcomes that TBL is best at producing. Its three-pronged approach to accountability, with feedback structures for individual work, teamwork, and peer interaction, offers a multi-faceted opportunity for students to reflect on their performance. While we can provide forms, rubrics, guidance, and examples to students to encourage them to provide useful and constructive feedback, we often receive all "10s", negatively biased criticism or gushing flattery that doesn't provide usable feedback, or worse, outcomes that result in grade inflation or deflation. Students are hesitant to "judge" each other and resistant to, as they frequently complain, "being graded by their peers." A thorough introduction helps with these issues, but there is another way to add validity and usefulness to peer feedback.