Paper presentations
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Track 1 - Room 110, Moderated by Jacob Darrah
30 minutes, Replacing NAD83 - What Does That Mean for the Geospatial Professional? - Jeff Jalbrzikowski
15 minutes, Trends in Global Positioning - Kennie Harris
30 minutes, Vertical Datums of the NSRS – Past, Present, Future - Jeff Jalbrzikowski
Track 2 - Room 111, Moderated by Jessica Perkins
30 minutes, How the WVDNR utilizes ArcGIS Survey123 - Brandy Bachman
15 minutes, StoryMap of Primeval Paths: Bison in West Virginia - Jessica Perkins
15 minutes, West Virginia Stream Condition and Integrity Index - Meryl Friedrich
15 minutes, Introducing WVU's New Online MS in GIS and Spatial Analysis - Aaron Maxwell