More Insight, Less Effort: Putting the Cloud and AI to Work for You
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Location Name
Conference Room 224

As the volume of geospatial data grows, so does the need for efficient data management and manipulation as a way to solve everyday business problems. In this session on data storage and derivative products, we will discuss best practices for shifting big data to the cloud—reliably, cost-effectively and at scale—as well as lessons learned from real-world experience. We will also touch on how artificial intelligence and deep learning can substitute for personal attention in the tedious analysis of large geographic areas, enabling human teams to focus on higher-level reasoning tasks. Finally, we will showcase the latest data products created through AI and DL, such as building footprints and impervious surface maps, to demonstrate how sound methodology can increase product accuracy while decreasing time spent on mundane analysis.