WVDNR Wildlife Resources Data Systems Overview
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location Name
Salon A

The WVDNR WRS centralizes data through its Enterprise GIS, Biotics 5, Hunting & Fishing Map, Electronic Licensing & Game Check System, and Office of Land & Streams (OLS) map tool. Ongoing and future plans include Enterprise GIS upgrades; building a Conservation Assessment Tool; a custom online database application; and a Wildlife Management Area (WMA) accomplishment tracking map application. I will present a new internal Data Systems site, share connections between the various systems, and a demonstration of the OLS map tool. The OLS map tool is a valuable ArcGIS online map application bringing together multiple geospatial data into one accessible tool. WRS GIS provides some of the data directly from ArcGIS Online, while the WV GIS Tech Center built the online map, manages the application, and majority of the data. From the WRS side, it is useful for WMA Management (leases, gas wells, land ownership, internal tract boundaries, etc.) and Fish Management (water withdrawal locations).