Land Conservation in the Cheat Canyon: The Role of Private Land in Long-term, Landscape-scale Conservation
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Salon A

The Cheat Canyon is a Conservation Focus Area identified in the DNR's Statewide Wildlife Action Plan. Located in the lower Cheat basin, the canyon is a steep, narrow gorge of mixed-mesophytic forest, cliffs, talus slopes, and small streams, while the adjacent plateau is a mix of forest, agriculture, and rural development. Some of these cover types provide outstanding habitat for many native plant and animal species., and the canyon will also facilitate species migration as the climate and habitats change. Several mapping efforts will be discussed in the context of how private land ownership creates opportunities to partner in conservation. The West Virginia Land Trust’s holdings in the canyon are highlighted, especially as they relate to how the protected habitat in these small but critically placed properties help to connect ownerships, facilities ecological research, and offer excellent educational and outreach opportunity because of their geographic character and high public use.