Finding Development Opportunities on Former Mine Lands in the Southern Coalfields of WV
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Salon A

This work is part of the US Build Back Better Award in which West Virginia University is participating, under the Center for Sustainable Mine Lands and its partners – Coalfield Development and the Nature Conservancy. The goal was to develop a screening tool to evaluate former mine lands for development opportunities. Once the underlying spatial datasets were assembled, multiple dashboard-based tools for displaying and selecting the former mine land features were then developed. All dashboards were linked together in a single web map application within the Esri ArcGIS Online platform. Currently, a total of 7 subject-specific dashboards were development including general site criteria, solar, wind, recreation, geothermal, pumped hydro, biomass, and carbon capture. Each dashboard contains customized criteria that may be used to select former mine lands as potential sites for the different development goals.