Statewide Broadband Study Uses GIS to Close Digital Divide
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Conference Room 224
Jeffrey Hartley

Engineering firm The Thrasher Group completed a statewide broadband study for their client Regional Optical Communications that examined the need for internet access across West Virginia. This presentation will walk through the study process and how GIS was utilized to organize the vast amount of data involved. The WV Office of Broadband provided address data to begin the project, which was used to create multi-layer Esri maps for each county showing what level of broadband service, if any, existed at each address. Aerial imagery was then used to create preliminary routes to show how service could be extended along existing utility poles. In total, more than 105,000 addresses were examined and nearly 15,000 miles of routes were developed. KMZs and shapefiles of the maps were shared with every county to help them identify feasible broadband construction projects and assist them in securing future funding - a timely effort with the $1.2 billion of BEAD allocation coming to the state.