Using UAS to Identify Red Spruce in the Monongahela Forest
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Location Name
Salon A
Revitalized efforts from the United States Forest Service have brought about a desire to restore the historic Red Spruce forest that once existed on Cheat Mountain, a range deep inside of the Monongahela National Forest. Much of this forest was clearcut to gain access to the natural resources found in West Virginia mountains. The mountain range has not recovered in the time since; tree species were planted to "rejuivinate" the forest but the planted trees were non-native creating an ecosystem void of its natural functions. These misplaced trees have been removed, leaving the desirable Red Spruce standing; the focus now turns to identifying existing stands of Red Spruce and performing a canopy release, so that the Red Spruce can spread and thrive again. They hope that a healthy Red Spruce forest will bring environmental prosperity to the Monongahela Forest and serve as a tourist attraction to bring revenue to the state of West Virginia.