Join us for the IAMSE Fellowship Program!
Dear Colleagues,
The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the launch of the newly revised Medical Educator Fellowship (MEF) Program. In addition to updates to the existing program to enhance engagement, mentorship, and collaboration, IAMSE will now offer members and non-members the option of completing the MEF Program 100% virtually, from any location around the globe.
The primary goal of the MEF is to support the development of well-rounded healthcare education scholars through a program of targeted professional development and application of learned concepts to mentored research projects. The program is designed for healthcare educators from all backgrounds who wish to enhance their knowledge and productivity as educational scholars.
As a prerequisite, applicants are required to complete the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Program. The MEF Program requires candidates to complete professional development relevant to their research goals, and to complete and present an educational research project. The total time commitment includes approximately 30 hours of training and virtual meetings over a two-year period, in addition to flexible time dedicated to the research project.
Candidates in the Medical Educator Fellowship Program become part of a community of practice and receive personalized mentorship. Upon completion, IAMSE Fellows demonstrate increased scholarly productivity, gain evidence toward promotion, discover opportunities for involvement and leadership within IAMSE, and form lasting professional relationships.
IAMSE is currently seeking applicants for the MEF Program. To apply, click here. Applications for the next cohort will be accepted until December 1, 2022. For questions, please contact We thank you for your interest and look forward to supporting you in achieving your professional goals in educational scholarship.
Kelly Quesnelle, PhD
Chair, IAMSE Educational Scholarship Committee

Kelly Quesnelle, PhD
Chair, IAMSE Educational Scholarship Committee
The 2023 IAMSE Medical Educator Fellowship Program will begin with the kickoff meeting on December 15, 2022!
Please note: This workshop will be a virtual session run through Zoom. A camera/microphone will not be required for attendees, but a microphone is encouraged to communicate with other mentors/mentees.
Fee Information
Members: This three-year long program begins with this kickoff meeting and is is $650 (USD) for current IAMSE members. If you don't receive the member rate, please reach out to for assistance.
Not currently a member of IAMSE? No problem! Registration for non-members for this program is $850.
Want to join IAMSE? You can join IAMSE here at any time. Membership is $125 per year for those in high income countries (US, Canada, Europe, etc). If you join today and then register for the Fellowship, the total cost is only $775!
Meet the Facilitators

Amanda Chase
Nova Southeastern University College of Allopathic Medicine
Associate Professor of Medical Education
Ready to register?