PURPOSE The primary aim of this workshop is to provide student participants with an introductory, hands-on experience in applying Kern's Six-Step model to design a complete education activity with appropriate pedagogic strategies. A secondary aim to explore models of converting medical education design and development into scholarship.
GOALS After participating in this session, student attendees should be able to:
- Describe a framework for medical education professional development
- Discuss and apply principles and best practices for:
- Curriculum design and development based on Kern's Six-Step model
- Pedagogic strategies
- Educational scholarship
- Identify and synthesize themes that integrate across major domains of medical education professional development.
TIMELINESS AND SIGNIFICANCE TO THE FIELD In 2008, only 44% of US medical schools responding to a national survey (n=99) offered a formal student-as-teacher (SaT) professional development program, yet all reported utilizing students as teachers (Soriano et al, 2010). Medical education accreditation bodies worldwide have stated the importance of teaching as a core physician skill in their competency frameworks, and one of the main stage presentations at a recent AMEE conference was given by a medical student highlighting the conspicuous absence of professional development opportunities internationally (Freret et al., 2017; Pihlak 2017). In addition, residents charged with educational responsibilities of teaching their medical students and peers may be responsible for about one-third of the education in a clinical setting (Bing-You & Sproul, 1992). In order to address this gap, we propose a pre-conference workshop session to provide an evidence-based framework for professional development of medical students in medical education (Chen et al., 2017).
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION This highly interactive workshop will introduce student participants to a framework for medical education professional development and promote major domains including curricular design, pedagogic strategies and education scholarship (Chen et al., 2017; Freret et al., 2017). For these three areas, learners will be provided with a short overview of the theory and best practices in the subject area. Students will then break out into facilitated small groups to work on structured worksheet exercises with flipcharts, followed by an opportunity to report back to the main group with discussion. At the conclusion, key themes that integrate these areas will be summarized, discussed, captured and disseminated as a work product creating a dialogue about needs and building blocks of medical education. In keeping with the education scholarship focus, we propose to submit the workshop as a publication to MedEdPORTAL with the cooperation of the participants. An IRB-approved program evaluation framework based on the Kirkpatrick model will be implemented to examine learner change in knowledge as well as satisfaction as a result of participation in the NEST workshop.
Activities & Schedules The workshop format includes: Introduction (15 min): In the large group setting before starting breakout-groups, we will introduce the panel, list students' goals for attending the session and conduct a brief pre-test. Overview (10 min): In the large group setting, we will provide a student-centered overview of medical education professional development and the growing role of students as active collaborators and leaders in medical education. Principles and Practice (140 min): This includes a mix of large and small group activities as follows: In an interactive large group setting, we will discuss broad principles of curriculum design and active learning strategies. Student groups will be provided with student-vetted sample curricula to aid discussion (20 min). In facilitated small groups, participants will work on a hypothetical curriculum design/active learning challenge, applying principles previously discussed. Small groups will present their findings back to the main group in successive rounds based on Kern's Six-Step model (4 x approximately 25 min each). In facilitated small groups, participants will work on a hypothetical education scholarship challenge, applying principles previously discussed. Each small group will present their findings back to the main group (20 min). Wrap Up (15 min): Brief summary and synthesis of key concepts that can be applied at the home institution followed by a short post-test and workshop evaluation.
PRESENTER QUALIFICATIONS Dr. Le is recognized as a leader in student-led medical education. He has trained thousands of medical student authors and educators over 25 years and is involved in faculty development at the University of Louisville. Dr. Burns chairs the IAMSE Student Professional Development Committee. Dr. Schlegel co-directs the student-as-teacher professional development program at Hofstra University. Dr. Weisholtz provides a student perspective as a recent graduate who has been involved in medical education activities all through medical school. All presenters were previously involved in planning and/or teaching of this workshop in 2018 and 2019.
OUTCOMES As interests grow in students as participatory medical educators, we believe that IAMSE serves as an ideal venue for medical students to acquire these skills. After participating in this workshop, we expect student participants to be able to
- describe a framework for student as teacher professional development,
- discuss and apply principles and practices of medical education using Kern's Six-Step model,
- identify and synthesize themes in medical education professional development,
- obtain an understanding of effective scholarship in medical education.
In addition, we expect to submit the workshop as a scholarly submission to MedEdPORTAL.
Elisabeth Schlegel - Zucker School of Medicine
Yun Weisholtz - University of Louisville
Colleen Croniger - Case Western Reserve University