Milou Groenen - Radboudumc
Tiffany Jordan - Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Elisabeth Schlegel - Zucker School of Medicine
Michiel Schokking - Radboudumc
Lisa Kortekaas - Radboud University

The need for physicians who are leaders - medical leadership - has received increasing attention in recent years as it is considered important for the provision of high-quality care. Acceleration of technological development and unexpected healthcare needs of a diverse society call for effective leaders at all levels and at all places and systems. Never have the challenges of leading change in health care been more daunting, making the need to offer leadership training to students and faculty early in their careers even more pressing. The fact that there is more interest in medical leadership within education can also be seen in the addition of Leadership to the CanMEDS framework 2015, a competency model within medical education. Despite the improved addition of medical leadership skills to curricula, medical professionals are still primarily trained in clinical and scientific competencies and less extensively in leadership competencies. Medical students need to receive more tools during their training so that they can develop leadership competencies. This focus session combines leadership experiences and practice of transferrable leadership skills from both students and faculty from U.S. based as well as European institutions. Scholarly leadership programs offered to medical students such as, e.g., the KLAR Scholar program at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell (U.S.), will be introduced. Thus, the intent is providing leadership training models for both medical educators and students. The program will consist of a World Café with the participants focusing on what leadership in medical education could be and how it can be advanced in institutions as well as in a broader sense like in the setting of IAMSE. This application of a Focus Session is a joint initiative of the SPDC of IAMSE that supports medical students and young medical educators in their educational careers.
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