Marieke Kruidering-Hall - University of California San Francisco
Michael Lee - University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
Steve Schneid - University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
John Szarek - Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Naunihal Zaveri - Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Assessment is an essential part of education. It can be used to gauge knowledge acquisition and application as well as foster motivation and engagement with material. However, this may depend in part on the type of assessment (formative or summative) and the item or question type. Certain item types may be better suited to simple assessment (i.e. multiple-choice questions) whereas others may be more appropriate for helping students develop self-regulated learning skills (i.e. short answer and essay) when used formatively. Educators must constantly adapt their teaching and assessment styles to best educate and assess learners in an integrated curriculum, which is designed to train healthcare professionals of the future. Recent changes in medical licensing examinations to Pass/Fail may also affect a school's assessment program. We will start with a panel discussion of several formative and summative assessment approaches used in our curricula at different institutions, using pharmacology as an example. We will discuss how some programs utilize open-ended questions in integrated curricula at a variety of health professions programs, sharing lessons learned. We will discuss use of integrated questions that include basic sciences and clinical scenarios to assess foundational science knowledge. We will engage participants with small group activities that address the questions below, as well as promote networking with colleagues. • Describe strategies to avoid bias in assessment. Resources will be shared with the participants as a framework to discuss bias in assessment. These include the guidelines from the NBME and NBOME to identify and remove biases from assessments of foundational sciences. • Explore strategies to integrate foundational science with health systems science in assessment. Participants will discuss strategies regarding assessment of foundational science knowledge using objectives to build integrated vignettes in collaboration with clinicians. • Discuss the implications of License Examinations (e.g., USMLE STEP 1) moving to Pass/Fail. Participants will explore assessment strategies in the face of medical licensing examinations changing to pass/fail. • Compare participants' own experiences to inform best practices. Participants will share their experiences on stimulating engagement, longitudinal tracking, and question allotment on exams
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