Carrie Elzie - Eastern Virginia Medical School
Jennifer Hotzman - Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
Naunihal Zaveri - Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Authentic leaders understand their own values and behave toward others based on those values. Work in this area has particular relevance for marginalized groups, such as women and underrepresented faculty in academic medicine. The purpose of this workshop is to guide medical educators in developing leadership skills by creating intentional alignment between values and behaviors. Through reflection and assessments (both interactive activities), participants will identify their lived experiences which have contributed to their strengths and explore facets of their leadership which need further development. Individually and collectively, participants will identify the barriers that marginalized groups face when trying to achieve leadership positions and discuss strategies for minimizing these barriers. Finally, participants will be given tools to ignite change within themselves and become agentic leaders within their organization. This workshop is designed with a gendered leadership frame (discussing issues particularly experienced by women); however, we hope all will participate to learn about the barriers women face, identify opportunities for working together, and develop solutions to overcoming challenges to gender equity in leadership. While the workshop is designed to directly benefit women medical educators, men are strongly encouraged to attend, as true culture change requires strong allyship; in addition, we believe that men will also directly benefit in personal leadership development by attending this workshop.
1701 California Street
Denver, CO 80202
United States