Nancy Moreno - Baylor College of Medicine
Alana Newell - Baylor College of Medicine
Malford Pillow - Baylor College of Medicine
Learning is most effective when learners are actively engaged, and educators create an inclusive safe environment. This workshop offers a framework for rethinking one’s teaching and strategies to ensure that learners have equitable opportunities to participate, be heard, and develop knowledge and skills.
While the future of health professions education may evolve, one constant remains - the enduring impact of quality instruction and active learning, grounded in proven teaching strategies and learning theories. Many institutions are using problem, case or team-based learning—along with other strategies to develop students’ problem-solving abilities (AAMC 2019). These shifts require educators to develop new skills as planners and facilitators so that sessions flow smoothly and every learner attains the intended knowledge and skills. Well-designed active learning approaches improve students’ deep mastery of content and promote academic success by students from diverse backgrounds (Freeman 2014, Tanner 2013). These outcomes, however, are only achieved when instructors create inclusive classroom environments with well-structured collaborative group work and activities aligned with course objectives. This session focuses on explicit strategies for faculty development and self-improvement in teaching, aimed at providing impactful opportunities for all learners to achieve the intended knowledge and competencies.
Agenda & Methods
- 5 min: Introductions at tables
- 10 min: Think-Pair-Share of challenges related to learner engagement in active learning.
- 15 min: Overview of an active learning planning framework developed and piloted at authors’ institution, with examples of pitfalls that can decrease learner engagement.
- 15 min: Each group completes a planning framework for a session (their own or selected from provided list). Framework considers what will happen: before a session (e.g., pre-class communications), during a session (e.g., explicit instructions for group work), and after a session.
- 15 min: Presentation of groups’ plans as posters, with discussion.
- 10 min: Overview of inclusive facilitation strategies that promote participation by all learners (including second-language speakers, and people with various backgrounds and abilities).
- 10 min: Groups revisit their posters and add inclusive strategies.
- 10 min: Concluding discussion about relevance of framework to own teaching and faculty development.