Focus Session: Across the Academy: Building Co-Curricular Professional Development with Student Input to Strengthen Programs
Presentation Track(s)
Curricular Development

The dominant story circulating in higher education is partnerships are too difficult to forge, or if they exist, they must take just one form: faculty and staff leading students. However, when students are brought into the fold of curriculum creation, they become empowered to share their ideas and suggestions and are excited to be a part of the process. In turn, faculty and staff are re-energized by the thoughtfulness and innovation of students. With this spirit, the University of Kansas School of Medicine devised a plan recruiting a group of students, faculty, and staff across our multi-campus institution to come together to create a strengths-based professional development curriculum and coaching program.

Together, using a Students as Partners (SaP) framework, the group has co-constructed professional development modules utilizing a Build-a-Thon structure based on the Backwards Design model. The group constituents engaged one another to discuss best practices in the pursuit of flourishing through development of character, care, and practical wisdom, in alignment with the Kern National Network (KNN) Framework for Flourishing. Our remodeled coaching program aims to leverage learners’ inherent strengths to foster professional development and promote flourishing. Qualitative data were analyzed to examine the impact of SaP work on students, faculty, and staff. We will describe findings from our SaP work in academic medicine, engage participants in a Build-a-Thon activity, and lead participants through development of their own implementation plan for integrating SaP work at their institutions.

Agenda & Methods

  1. Introductions and Welcome (5 minutes)
  2. Overview of SaP Work (5 minutes)
    • History of SaP Work
    • Summary of Studies Demonstrating Benefits of SaP Work
  3. Presentation of University of Kansas School of Medicine Case Study (10 minutes)
    • Description of Build-a-Thons (our SaP Work)
    • Results from Build-a-Thons
    • Presentation of Qualitative Data
  4. Build-a-Thon (30 minutes)
    • Participants Engage in a Mini Build-a-Thon
      • Participants provided with scenarios choices and guidelines for conducting their Mini Build-a-Thon
    • Participants Debrief Their Experience
      • Padlet will be used to collect participants thoughts on the following:
        • Thoughts on their experiences
        • Perceived benefits of SaP work
        • Perceived challenges of SaP work
      • A whole group discussion will be facilitated to summarize benefits and limitations and brainstorm solutions to mitigate challenges to SaP work
  5. Implementing SaP Work (20 to 25 minutes)
    • Participants Complete an Implementation Plan with Guidance from Presenters.
    • Implementation Plan guides participants through:
      • Identifying problems at their institutions that might be resolved using SaP work
        • Describe problem
        • Identify ways that student, staff, and educator voices can each uniquely contribute to problem resolution
        • Identify ways that problem resolution would benefit from collaborations across generations
      • Identifying potential partners to engage in SaP work
      • Identifying possible protocols for conducting SaP work
        • Who will be involved?
        • How will students be identified and recruited to participate?
        • What structure/format will be used to conduct SaP work
      • Anticipating challenges and resistance to SaP work
      • Identifying Next Steps to move from SaP ideas to SaP action
  6. Closing (10 to 15 minutes)
    • Sharing of proposed implementation plans for feedback and discussion
    • Presenters will address questions and provide resources to support next steps
Date & Time
Monday, June 16, 2025, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM