Full Name
Aviad Haramati
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Aviad “Adi” Haramati, PhD, is an award-winning physiologist and medical educator. He is Professor of Physiology and Medicine, and Founding Director of the Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE), at Georgetown University Medical Center, in Washington, DC. He received a PhD in Physiology from the University of Cincinnati and came to Georgetown 39 years ago, after 5 years at Mayo Clinic. His research interests addressed renal and electrolyte homeostasis, but now he focuses on health professions education. Dr. Haramati has advocated that mindful practices, together with group sessions, be integrated into the curriculum for training health professionals in an effort to improve and learning and work environments at academic health centers. Dr. Haramati is a past-president of IAMSE, former member of the Board of Directors of the AAMC, and a member of the Governing Committee of AMEE. He has been a visiting professor at over 100 medical schools worldwide.
Aviad Haramati