Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see the answer to your question? Reach out to us at

To view the answer for each question, click the "+" button. 

The registration fees in USD are as follows:

Registration Type

Before June 14, 11:59 PM EDT

June 15 12:00 AM - July 25 11:59 PM EDT

After July 26, 12:00 AM EDT

INSciTS Member








INSciTS Student Member




Non-Member Student




One Day Registration




Your membership may be listed under a different email address than the one you are trying to use to register. Check and make sure that you are using the same email address for both. If you are still having issues, please contact

We do have a one-day rate available. It is $50* before the end of June 7, $150* before the end of July 25, and $200* after July 26. If you wish to attend more than one day, you will need to pay for the full conference. 

*All prices are listed in USD

We ask that you pre-register for workshops to allow presenters to have an accurate headcount for their sessions. Many presenters tailor their sessions for the amount of registered attendees. It also ensures that they will have sufficient materials. 

You can switch workshops after you have registered. To modify your registration, please click here to log back into the conference website. You will need to enter your email address and password you set up during registration to modify your registration. If you do not remember your registration password, click HERE. If you need additional assistance, please email

Your registration fee, less a $100 US administrative fee, will be refunded when the INSciTS Office receives written notification before June 1, 2024. Substitutions can be made. Refunds will be made on a case-by-case basis after June 1, 2024. No refunds will be made after July 1, 2024.

Substitution of registrations is permitted prior to the conference. Only one substitution is permitted per original registrant. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution as well as updating any contact information. 

Once you've completed your registration, you can click the "Invoice" button on the final page. If you completed your registration previously, you can click "Modify Registration" at the bottom of this page and click the "Invoice" button on the final page. You can also request one directly from the INSciTS team by contacting

No, the conference will be ran by an in-browser platform called Gather Town. There is an optional desktop application that may enhance your conference experience. If you wish to download the app, please click here.

You will join your sessions through Gather Town. To learn more about the platform, please visit the venue page by clicking here

You will have the ability to turn your camera on or off throughout the sessions and we encourage you to keep them on throughout the conference. Since you will be in Gather Town, if your video is on, it will be visible to those "walking" near you. It will also be visible when you are in a talking square. More information on video feed and talking squares can be found on the Gather Town information page of our website, linked here.

As a note, leaving your video off may help your connection, if you are having any issues.

Absolutely! If you click here, you can change the preferred time zone for all the schedule listings on the Conference website. 

The SciTS 2024 Conference will have five different types of sessions: Plenaries, Workshops, Panels, Oral Presentations, and Poster Presentations.

Keynote presentations given by one or more speaker who is an expert in their field of Team Science. 

Workshops provide individual or group presenters the opportunity to present special interest workshops and seminars of original work in an interactive setting related to conference topics. These workshops will be 90-minutes in length with the potential of a 180-minute part 1 and part 2. Workshop/seminar proposals that incorporate a variety of instructional approaches (e.g. lecture, interactive discussion, hands-on exercises) and materials (e.g. slides, handouts, sample data) are prioritized in the selection process. 

All topics relevant to the application of the Science of Team Science approaches are welcomed, specifically with respect to training sessions that will equip INSciTS investigators with tools and technical skills for data collection, analysis, or presentation in their research areas. We encourage workshops or seminars with a focus on methodologies including systems approaches to the field of the science of teams science as well as methodologies for conducting evaluation and understanding team dynamics. Furthermore, we welcome workshops and seminars that provide practical guidance for conducting and managing team science in a variety of contexts and settings, and workshops with a focus on developing team science educational and training resources. 

Panel presentations provide authors the option to organize a panel of thematically related content.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations provide authors the opportunity to present original work related to conference topics (below). Oral presentations will have 15-minutes to present. They will be clustered by theme into sessions that will include other presentations and time for questions from the audience. Oral presenters will have 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Questions & Answers.

Poster Presentations
The poster session provides an interactive forum for authors to discuss their work related to conference topics (below).

  • Presenters will be assigned virtual locations to display their posters. Virtual poster locations/rooms will be organized by topic.
  • Presenters are encouraged to upload any additional materials such as a 1-page PDF single-sided handout to accompany their posters.

SciTS Conference Topics:

  • Case Studies/Best Practices
  • Data (including open data and big data)
  • Environmental and Organizational Influences on Teams
  • Evaluation and Assessment
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Networks and Systems
  • Open Science (including citizen science)
  • Research Methods for Team Science
  • Team Processes and Dynamics
  • Team Science Types (i.e., inter/intra/trans/disciplinary, translational, virtual distributed/cross-cultural)
  • Theory (including development, models, and application)
  • Other

While we'd love to have them, they will need to register for the event in order to access the session, even if you share the link directly. The virtual conference is open to anyone, so feel free to have them register here

AI - Artificial Intelligence

INSciTS - International Network for the Science of Team Science

SciTS - Science of Team Science

Our oral and panel presentation will be recorded but workshops will not.