The definition of inclusiveness widely ranges relative to the context in which it is being used. When referring to academia, it can be impactful toward initiatives including, but not limited to, restructuring of academic programs, shaping new pedagogical approaches, modifying hiring practices and revising university policies. Educators and learners carry with them their own life experiences and implicit biases that can impact their interactions, perceptions, and decision-making. Professional environments are rapidly evolving to address equitable academic practices. Inclusive and equitable practices in academia can take many forms, but there is still much to be done while striving to address the needs of learners with varying backgrounds, characteristics, abilities, and needs. Without careful consideration, initiatives can be insufficient, or worse could have unintended negative results. This workshop aims to introduce TBL that is designed to allow participants to actively engage with different exercises related to inclusiveness and to have the opportunity to learn from and share their own experiences with others.
Daniel Griffin - Nova Southeastern University
Suzan Kamel-ElSayed - OUWB School of Medicine