The teaching of Millennial students has changed greatly, including their learning objectives, expectations, and styles, and the best ways to support their learning. As the student population has changed and continues to change, so have the roles of the faculty members. This is added to their changing requirements to keep their skills in teaching and assessment. However, the parallel development in the way the faculty are oriented and updated has been slowly growing.
One challenge is that most faculty members development programs focus on individual learners instead of teams in the organization, despite the research on team development confirming that the development into a team often follows a process of several stages; forming, storming, norming, and performing [Wheelan 2014]. Studies also showed that engagement is highly likely to be an outcome in environments of autonomy, competence, and relatedness with choice (Katz & Assor, 2007). Unfortunately, the implementation of innovative projects for faculty development often faces resistance, because of conflicting leadership roles, timing, or lack of knowledge of change processes in the faculty development programs (McGrath et al., 2019). In this workshop, we will focus on the TBL as a method of active learning and building rapport in Faculty development, aiming at training the trainers and establishing a faculty community that can transfer the process to other learners.