Dominique Murphy - MGH Institute of Health Professions

Have you struggled with making self and peer assessment an integral and valuable part of TBL? Would you like a way to develop soft skills in your students that are not explicitly developed in your curriculum, but are needed in the workplace? The MGH Institute of Health Professions Physician Assistant program's TBL process of self and peer assessments has evolved organically since its inception in 2016. In this workshop using TBL principles and backwards design, we will discuss the evolution of our self and peer assessment process from an anonymous survey that only held teammates accountable, to a process that includes a workshop on a particular theme like giving and receiving feedback, followed by a face-to-face small group process session that intentionally holds all members of the team accountable but also cultivates soft skills needed by our students in their professional settings. Small group break out rooms and a virtual gallery walk of possible themes and learning objectives will provide participants with the opportunity to consider self and peer assessments as not just the most challenging component of TBL, but also as the component with the most potential for student development and growth.