Full Name
Michelle Daniel
Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Learning Health Sciences
University of California San Diego
Dr. Michelle Daniel is Vice Dean for Medical Education and Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. She obtained her medical degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 2002 and her Masters in Health Professions Education from Maastricht University in the Netherlands in 2016. Dr. Daniel is an Associate Editor for Medical Teacher and serves on the board of the Best Evidence in Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration, Co-chairs the BEME Editorial Review Committee and directs the University of California, San Diego BEME International Collaborating Center. She is Past-President of the Directors of Clinical Skills Courses (DOCS). Her current scholarly interests include clinical reasoning and theories of cognition, the optimal timing of USMLE Step 1, clinical skills and well-being.
Michelle Daniel
David Harris
Full Name
David Harris
University of Central Florida
David M. Harris, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. He is the course director of the Structure and Function module and has been implemented numerous active learning modalities in the module, including concept mapping, high fidelity patient simulations, and flipped classroom activities. He has published manuscripts on these models and continues to do collaborative research. He currently serves on the IAMSE Board of Directors and the Aquifer Sciences leadership team with a mission to improve integration between basic and clinical sciences.
Full Name
Nadia Ismail
Professor, Vice Dean SOM
Baylor College of Medicine
Nadia Ismail, MD is the Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum at the Baylor College of Medicine School of Medicine (BCM SOM) in Houston Texas. Her interests include curriculum development and assessment. She currently leads efforts for the curriculum renewal project at BCM SOM.
Nadia Ismail
Michelle Lazarus
Full Name
Michelle Lazarus
Monash University
Associate Professor Michelle Lazarus is the Director of the Centre of Human Anatomy Education and Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education Curriculum Integration Network Lead. She is an award-winning educator and a Monash Education Academy Fellow. In addition to her medical teaching, A/Prof Lazarus runs a dynamic education research group exploring how medical education impacts learners’ healthcare professional identity formation, with a particular focus on uncertainty tolerance. In addition to her competitively funded work, she is the creator and host of AskAnatomist, a healthcare podcast, and is passionate about improving diversity & inclusion within anatomy education.
Full Name
David Rowley
Associate Dean
Baylor College of Medicine
David Rowley, PhD is the Assistant Dean of Foundational Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine and a Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology. His interests are in curriculum renewal and pedagogy of foundational sciences training and integration. He has many years of experience in foundational coursework.
David Rowley
Shemona Rozario
Full Name
Shemona Rozario
Monash University
Associate Professor Michelle Lazarus is the Director of the Centre of Human Anatomy Education and Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education Curriculum Integration Network Lead. She is an award-winning educator and a Monash Education Academy Fellow. In addition to her medical teaching, A/Prof Lazarus runs a dynamic education research group exploring how medical education impacts learners’ healthcare professional identity formation, with a particular focus on uncertainty tolerance. In addition to her competitively funded work, she is the creator and host of AskAnatomist, a healthcare podcast, and is passionate about improving diversity & inclusion within anatomy education.
Full Name
Rachel Wolfson
Associate Professor, Pediatric Critical Care, Co-Director, Scholarship and Discovery for Pritzker School of Medicine
The University of Chicago
Dr. Wolfson is Assistant Dean of Medical School Research and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Wolfson directs the Scholarship & Discovery curriculum and serves as the faculty lead for all scholarly opportunities for Pritzker medical students. Her work related to medical student research has been noteworthy: she developed a novel Authorship curriculum, and she directs the Scholarly Concentrations Collaborative, a group of medical education leaders who work together to grow opportunities for student research. Dr. Wolfson conducts NIH-funded research as part of the National Research Mentoring Network that aims to improve mentor training for women and minority medical students.
Rachel Wolfson
Munder Zagaar
Full Name
Munder Zagaar
Associate Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Munder Zagaar PharmD, PhD is an Associate Professor of Foundational Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM SOM) in Houston, Texas. He is currently the director of pharmacology and lead its integration for the curriculum renewal project at BCM SOM. Munder has 10 years experience in curriculum development and learner-centered teaching for health profession students from diverse backgrounds. His interests include integrating clinically relevant pharmacology using equitable assessment and instructional design.