Seminar Details
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This 2 hour seminar will examine three surveys in West Virginia and one in Ohio that are extreme examples of some of the worst-case retracement scenarios that a surveyor might encounter, especially in a rural setting. Spending ½ hour per case study, the nature and quality of the descriptions, how important clues were recovered in the courthouse and in the field, and the application of the evidence to solutions will be discussed. This is intended to be an open discussion of the issues that the surveys of these tracts encountered and attempted to resolve, with input from attendees welcomed and encouraged.
The case studies are as follows:
“Sometimes you can’t even give it away”. A still unresolved issue in the wilds of Webster
County, WV.
“How far do you have to go to find Aaron Stout?” A survey of a 175 acre deed description in
Meigs County, Ohio.
“Where in the world is Cutlip, WV?“ A mis-placed retracement survey in Braxton County, WV
“Thanks a lot, C.P. Dorr”. A mess along the Elk River in Webster County, WV.

The National Geodetic Survey is modernizing the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) with new datums to replace NAD83 and NAVD88. In this webinar Jeff will introduce the North American Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2022 (NATRF2022) and discuss similarities and differences as compared to the current NSRS geometric datum, NAD83. He will explain the concepts behind NATRF2022 development and provide details on future NGS database/datasheet terminology. The modernization effort also includes a re-design of the SPCS, which will be briefly covered as there is a direct relationship between SPCS coordinates and the geodetic datum they are based on.

This session will cover a variety of features and commands in Carlson Software that you can use to bring in location and topo survey data, process it, annotate it and generate existing contours as well as assembling a plotted sheet with typical elements such as a border and title block.
Additionally, we will spend a portion of this session demonstrating various features in Carlson Survey that are useful for lot and subdivision layout.
Some of the topics that will be presented are:
- Importing points
- Deed entry and correlation with points
- Legal Description writer
- Inserting of background imagery
- Sheet generation with title block, north arrow and other element
- LotNet (lot network feature)
Field to Finish and Surface Modeling will be covered but will not be a focus of this presentation.

This session will explore Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) activities and applications within surveying and mapping. We’ll also examine resources including hardware & software, examples/case studies, data quality and standards.

Is it a right of way? Where is it? A brief introduction to private easement creation and a discussion of basic concepts regarding such easements, including Practical Location.

Minimum Standards
A review of laws and regulations pertaining to the practice of surveying in West Virginia, with particular emphasis on the minimum standards. The course is designed to meet the continuing education requirement for all West Virginia licensees to obtain two PDH of minimum standards within each four year period, and has been updated to reflect the new minimum standards which went into effect May 1, 2008, and the Code changes which took effect June 10, 2010.
Ethics for Surveyors
Ethical behavior is not just required after becoming a “Professional Surveyor”. Ethics are a prerequisite before one is even qualified to seek licensure. This course looks at the Historic context of Ethical Standards, quoting and discussing the writings of distinguished authors. A look at Modern Standards for Ethical Behavior includes Voluntary Standards (specifically the Surveyor’s Creed and Canons promulgated by the National Society of Professional Surveyors); and Mandatory Standards, as found in the West Virginia Code and Title 23 of the Board of Professional Surveyors Rules. This course is designed to meet the requirement for each West Virginia survey licensee to obtain at least 2 PDH in Ethics in each four year period.

“To boldly go where no man has gone ...” could just as well apply to early surveyors as well as to Star Trek. This 2 hour class will examine the work and lives of several early, prominent surveyors as well as the tasks they undertook, the places they went, the jobs they completed, and their many other accomplishments that had an impact on the future development of America. Also included will be aspects of work of various government agencies that laid the groundwork for technological advances in the profession of surveying and helped to open the doors to trade and commerce throughout the vastness of the United States. This has been presented on several occasions and accepted by several states for continuing education credit.

A review of laws and regulations pertaining to the practice of surveying in West Virginia, with particular emphasis on the minimum standards. The course is designed to meet the continuing education requirement for all West Virginia licensees to obtain two PDH of minimum standards within each four year period, and has been updated to reflect the new minimum standards which went into effect May 1, 2008, and the Code changes which took effect June 10, 2010.
Ethics for Surveyors
Ethical behavior is not just required after becoming a “Professional Surveyor”. Ethics are a prerequisite before one is even qualified to seek licensure. This course looks at the Historic context of Ethical Standards, quoting and discussing the writings of distinguished authors. A look at Modern Standards for Ethical Behavior includes Voluntary Standards (specifically the Surveyor’s Creed and Canons promulgated by the National Society of Professional Surveyors); and Mandatory Standards, as found in the West Virginia Code and Title 23 of the Board of Professional Surveyors Rules. This course is designed to meet the requirement for each West Virginia survey licensee to obtain at least 2 PDH in Ethics in each four year period.

This session will cover various settings, features and commands in Carlson Software that will save you picks and clicks and time and money! Some areas of "discovery" will be with deed entry, annotation, surface modeling and setting points for stakeout.