Sponsorship Information

All Sponsorship Levels include:

  •  Listing, logo and company information on the exhibitor page. Information which include a link, downloadable handout/flyer or a promotional video
  • Ability to interact with attendees in a virtual exhibit room

Gold Level: $500

  • All Silver and Bronze level perks AND
  • Two conference registrations
  • Ability for one-on-one meeting scheduling with attendees through the virtual event platform. Meet with attendees in real time before, after or between workshops
  • Ability to provide digital or physical swag to all attendees

Silver Level: $350

  • All Bronze level perks AND
  • One conference registration
  • Waiting room sponsorship of one workshop with logo/info.

Bronze Level: $200

  • Sponsored email sent to attendees during the conference on your behalf. Sponsor will provide content of the message.