Meet Our Speakers!

David Doyle
Full Name
David Doyle
Base 9 Geodetic Consulting
Dave Doyle has been engaged in geodetic surveying since his enlistment in the U.S. Army in 1967. In 1972 he joined the National Geodetic Survey and held the position of chief geodetic surveyor for twelve years prior to his retirement in January 2013. He was responsible for the development, technical design and management of plans and programs that enhanced the United States National Spatial Reference System. During his career his experiences included all phases of geodetic triangulation, astronomic positioning, leveling, GPS data collection, data analysis, datum transformations, network adjustments, data publication and outreach in the form of seminars, workshops and webinars. His efforts also included extensive activities to direct and coordinate the modernization of national geodetic reference frames in countries in Africa, Central, Caribbean and South America, Eastern Europe and the Pacific.

Mr. Doyle is a Past President and Fellow member of the American Association for Geodetic Surveying, has served on the U.S. delegation to the International Federation of Surveyors and is an active member of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia professional surveyors associations. He is the recipient of numerous service awards from federal, state and national surveying agencies and organizations including the AAGS Joseph Dracup Achievement Award (2018) and the Maryland Surveyor of the Year (2008).
Ronald Fink
Full Name
Ronald Fink
Fink Engineering & Land Surveying, LLC
Chief Engineer
Ron Fink is a Licensed Engineer and Land Surveyor in West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina. Ron earned a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering Technology from Bluefield State College in 1999 and a Masters of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2002. Mr. Fink has taught classes in land surveying and structural engineering at Bluefield State College and has been a guest speaker in land development classes at Virginia Tech. Mr. Fink’s experience includes boundary surveys, topographic surveys, ALTA surveys, structural engineering, stormwater system analysis, stormwater management and land development projects along the east coast for residential, industrial, municipal and commercial projects. Ron is the managing member of Fink Engineering & Land Surveying, LLC specializing in land planning, land development, flood studies, telecommunication surveys, boundary surveys and commercial structural design in West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina.
Dwayne Hall
Full Name
Dwayne Hall
Allegheny Surveys, Inc.
Senior Survey Manager
Dwayne Hall and his wife Tanya are from Sutton, Braxton County, West Virginia. He is a graduate of Glenville State College in May of 1999 with an Associate’s Degree in Land Surveying and Forestry. He has been employed by Allegheny Surveys since May 1999 as a Party Chief, Underground Survey Manger and recently the Senior Survey Manager of their Charleston office. In December 2020 he was voted on as member of the Board of Directors for Allegheny Surveys, Inc. He became a Director of the WVSPS in February 2022 and President-Elect in February 2024 and member of the Education, Convention, Membership, Legislative and Budget and Audit committees since 2022. He has been licensed as a Professional Surveyor in the State of West Virginia since January 2004 (SU Endorsement 2009) and is also licensed in the states of Tennessee (2016), North Carolina (2018) and Kentucky (2021).
Julie Hewett
Full Name
Julie Hewett
Association Manager
Since 1996 I have worked to support non-profit associations in the medical, healthcare and higher education industries; as the owner of JulNet Solutions, LLC. Overseeing this association management company, I have had the opportunity to work with volunteer boards and committees to successfully support the administrative needs of these organizations.
Lloyd Kirk
Full Name
Lloyd Kirk
Triad Engineering Inc.
Survey Practice Leader
I am currently a Survey Practice leader for Triad Engineering, Inc. in St. Albans WV and I am a North Carolina Certified Floodplain Surveyor. Originally licensed to survey in North Carolina in 1998, I have been licensed in West Virginia since 2012, after returning to my home state following 24 years of surveying in the south. As a member of the North Carolina Society of Professional Surveyors, I hope to develop an inter-society relationship as we endeavor to establish the CFS program in West Virginia.
Todd LaNeve
Full Name
Todd LaNeve
La Neve Law Offices
Todd La Neve is an avid gun enthusiast who happens to earn a living as a lawyer. While he has been practicing law for the past 31 years, he was finally able to make firearms law a prominent part of his practice beginning in 2017, blending his passion with his profession. In addition to counseling clients as to their 2nd Amendment rights, Todd also focuses a lot of time on defending cases involving charges arising after self-defense incidents, ensuring his clients are protected from overzealous prosecution. Part of his regular professional obligations include representation of US Law Shield in the State of West Virginia, through which he works for members of the program. US Law Shield provides legal coverage for people who protect themselves but end up facing charges for their actions in protecting themselves. With that program, Todd lectures around the State of West Virginia on a regular basis, presenting instructional seminars to groups of citizens on West Virginia’s use of force laws and firearms related legal issues. In addition to his regular practice, Todd began a YouTube channel in February of 2024, @wvgunlaw, and regularly produces and publishes videos on topics of interest to the 2nd Amendment community.
Jeff Lucas
Full Name
Jeff Lucas
Lucas & Company, LLC
Jeffery N. Lucas, JD, PLS, Esq.: Jeff is a licensed land surveyor in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee. He is also a licensed attorney in the State of Alabama. Jeff is a recognized expert in land boundary law, riparian rights, and land surveying liability issues. He has practiced land surveying throughout the five southeastern states in which he is licensed. Jeff is also an author, columnist, lecturer and seminar presenter. He has authored three books on surveying, has over 150 nationally published articles and over 45 titles in his seminar library. Jeff has presented continuing education seminars at conferences from Alaska to Florida, from California to Nova Scotia, and most places in between. More information on Jeff can be found at:
Leon Mallow
Full Name
Leon Mallow
Leon G. Mallow Surveying, Inc.
Leon graduated from GSC in 1974. He worked for the Planning and Development Division of DNR for two years, was licensed in 1976 and worked for Swecker Eng for 13 years. During his time there, he was involved with boundary surveys and survey work for engineering projects. He has been in private practice for the past 33 years and has completed courses in tree identification at GSC. He has been practicing tree and wood identification and boundary line marking throughout his career as a Land Surveyor; cutting trees and working with wood over the years; and being instructed by his father growing up. Leon has taught several Tree & Wood ID seminars for the Elkins Chapter and WVSPS. The seminars are with the use of hands-on samples of leaves, wood and bark, and green poles for demonstration of tree marking.
Mack McCarty
Full Name
Mack McCarty
US Army Corps of Engineers
Chief of the Geospatial Section of the Huntington District
Earnest "Mack" McCarty is a professional land surveyor and chief of the geospatial section of the Huntington District of the United States Army Corp of engineers. He is the former president and current vice president of the WVSPS. In 2022, McCarty was selected as the WVSPS Surveyor of the Year.
Andy McKee
Full Name
Andy McKee
Zoology Zone
The Zoology Zone Science Center is our area’s only 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated reptile and amphibian no-kill animal shelter and rescue. We are also our region's only "Rescue Zoo" with over 80 rehabilitated reptiles and amphibians on exhibit and used as educational ambassadors.
Anthony Pascuzzi
Full Name
Anthony Pascuzzi
Precision Laser & Instrument
Geospatial Sales & Support
Anthony Pascuzzi started surveying with his father’s construction company in 1998, ever since then he has been working in the survey industry because the technology is fun to learn. He likes finding efficient ways to collect/process data to get accurate deliverables as fast as possible. He has been with Precision Laser & Instrument since 2014. He started out as the Survey Support person and has more recently taken on the role as a salesman covering the South Western PA, Northern WV Territory. When he is not in the field working he spends his time in his woodworking shop making furniture or other small crafts.
Greg Perkins
Full Name
Greg Perkins
Greg Perkins is a 1986 graduate of Wytheville Community College with a degree in Civil Engineering Technology.

After leaving college he was privileged to spend eighteen years learning the profession of land surveying, starting as rodman, earning his license as a Virginia Land Surveyor in 1993 and eventually working up to the position of project and office manager.

During his tenure as a practicing Land Surveyor he was able to work on projects throughout Virginia and much of the eastern United States, specializing in design and construction surveying for transportation projects. Working on larger transportation projects gave me the opportunity to learn GPS surveying in its early days. Greg was able to utilize that knowledge to help implement GPS surveying programs for the different consulting firms where he was employed.

In 2004 Greg was hired as the local representative for Leica Geosystems for Virginia and West Virginia providing sales, support and training services for total stations, GNSS systems and supporting software to the land surveying and consulting engineering community. In this position he can combine my love of land surveying with my love of new technology and training.
Don Teter
Full Name
Don Teter
Fairmont State University
Assistant Professor of Surveying
Don Teter began surveying in 1974, and has been licensed since 1982. He is a past-President of the West Virginia Society of Professional Surveyors, and edited the quarterly West Virginia Surveyor for over ten years. He is a member of the Board of Professional Surveyors Complaint Review Committee and an occasional investigator for the Board. Don has been presenting continuing education seminars for surveyors for over 15 years, and is Assistant Professor of Surveying at Fairmont State University.
Lonnie Upton
Full Name
Lonnie Upton
Account Manager for Oil and Gas
At NV5, Lonnie works with clients primarily in the Oil & Gas sector, bringing expertise built over years of experience in the industry. He has an extensive background in the geospatial industry to the NV5 Commercial Sales team, having worked in many teams, from the field to leadership to project management, for various mapping and energy companies, developing spatial systems that create, manage, analyze, and map all forms of geospatial data. With years of experience in project management, as well as design and execution of GIS and survey work, Lonnie has worked in various industries including oil and gas, utilities, and land development and construction. He has proven success in developing strategies for complex geospatial solutions for large-scale projects in remote regions with diverse, global, multifunctional organizations.
Jared Wilson
Full Name
Jared Wilson
East Tennessee State University
Professor of Practice
Mr. Jared Wilson is an assistant professor of land surveying at East Tennessee State University the Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Surveying.  He has taught courses regarding general land surveying applications, principles, computations, professional decisions, and field management procedures.  His professional focus is on educating future surveyors and the public with regards to the field of land surveying.  Mr. Wilson is a licensed land surveyor in West Virginia and has been an active member of the West Virginia Society of Professional Surveyors since 2010.