Poster Abstracts: Technology and Innovation

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Presented By: Ryan Hunton, University of Kentucky
Co-Authors: Patrick Palmieri, A.T. Still University

The purpose of this study was to describe the role of high-fidelity clinical simulation (HFCS) in teaching and assessing clinical reasoning. It aimed to describe the strengths and challenges of using HFCS as well as the potential opportunities and barriers to using HFCS. 

A qualitative descriptive design was used to describe the role of HFCS. The principal investigator collected perspectives of clinical educators from North America and Europe through semi-structured interviews. Data from the interviews was analyzed through a manifest content analysis. Categories, which emerged from the data, were applied to the research questions. 

Eleven (11) clinical educators from physician, nursing, physician associate, and paramedic professions in North America and Europe participated. Educators identified the following strengths of HFCS: (1) spectrum of possible scenarios, (2) engagement and immersion in real-life situations, (3) debriefing as self-reflection and peer learning, (4) clinical errors in safe space, and (5) building emotional intelligence. Challenges included: (1) lack of validated assessment tools, (2) lack of translation data, and (3) threats to psychological safety. Potential opportunities for HFCS included: (1) integration into curriculum, (2) integration into hospitals, and (3) increasing technology. Barriers included (1) various monetary and non-monetary costs and (2) culture, including lack of faculty development opportunities. Themes from this research included: (1) HFCS plays a unique and important role in clinical reasoning education; (2) its use should be driven based on learner level and learning objectives; (3) its use will likely continue to grow in educational and clinical institutions; and, (4) there is much work to be done in overcoming challenges and barriers. 

This diverse set of inter-professional clinical educators identified several unique strengths of HFCS which define its unique and important role in clinical reasoning pedagogy and assessment. There is potential for the expansion of HFCS into educational and clinical settings. However, fundamental barriers and challenges may limit its use.

Presented By: Payton Wolbert, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Co-Authors: Makayla Brunt, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Joydeep Chaudhuri, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
David Doyle, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Patrick Fakhoury, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Yousif Gariaqoza, Central Michigan University College of Medicine

The incorporation of three-dimensional printed (3DP) materials within medical anatomical education demonstrates potential in providing medical students with tactile, realistic educational models. These models can be generated through shared files and more accessible materials, thereby reducing both educational barriers and costs associated with their utilization. Due to these benefits, there has been an increased exploration of the practical application of 3DP models in the field of medical education. Nevertheless, there is a need for a more thorough investigation into the effectiveness of these resources when compared to traditional teaching methods. This study reviewed literature that focused on these relationships, with a specific emphasis on elucidating the advantages and challenges associated with incorporating this technology into the educational framework for instructing students in human anatomy within the medical sciences.

Our systematic literature review was meticulously conducted with specific inclusion criteria, focusing exclusively on primary research articles that investigated the implementation of 3D printing in undergraduate medical education, ensuring a targeted and relevant analysis of current practices and outcomes in this innovative educational field.

In total, 363 articles were identified in PubMed and 499 articles were identified in Scopus, generating 17 articles that met the inclusion criteria, where no systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or articles without original 3DP data were included. Initial analysis has demonstrated student openness to the use of 3D-printed materials, where materials have been shown to have the advantages of cost-effectiveness, greater accessibility, high modifiability, and are generally seen as more approachable by students. Furthermore, the identification of challenges related to 3DP printed materials, such as the level of detail of models or their perceived accuracy, have been recorded.

Collectively, this offers additional insight into the promise and challenges of this technology within current medical school curriculums.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Natascha Heise, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Co-Authors: Robert Armstrong, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Tod Clapp, Colorado State University
Chad Eitel, Colorado State University
Michael Foley, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Lisa Fore-Arcand, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Kelly McCoy, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Lindsay Meyers, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Lauren Roten, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Human anatomy is recognized as a foundational course for health professions but can be challenging for students who struggle with the amount of content and three-dimensional visualization. While virtual reality (VR) has shown to be a helpful tool for understanding structural relationships, shortening of the didactic phase has impeded its implementation. Here, we propose VR study sessions focused on anatomy to assist students at academic risk.

First-year health profession students identified as at academic risk were invited to attend weekly VR study sessions during their 16-week anatomy course at a medical school in Virginia, USA. Data collection was composed of observations, a post-survey, and individual written and practical examination scores. An inductive thematic analysis was performed to capture student perspectives.

Student participation in VR sessions grew throughout the course and those students who participated in the sessions (n = 12 out of 123) performed similarly to the non-VR group in all laboratory examinations. Written examination scores were comparable except for the head/neck (71.5% VR vs 83.4% non-VR, p = 0.005) and pelvis/lower limb (76.6% VR vs 87.0% non-VR, p = 0.005). Post-survey responses indicated that VR was beneficial to goal progression and confidence. Positive themes included structure visualization and accessibility, program capabilities, the learning environment, and VR as an additional resource. Emerging themes for improvement were logistics and certain program capabilities.

VR for learning anatomy may be beneficial for students at academic risk to bridge knowledge gaps experienced from studying with textbooks and the gross laboratory. However, VR may be best suited for anatomical areas of lesser complexity such as the limbs. Comparable academic performance, increase in confidence, and positive feedback support the continuation of this resource. This effort demonstrates an effective approach to implement VR as a supplemental learning tool.

Presented By: Zakaria Rashid, King's College

Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are vital for assessing clinical competency in medical education. Peer-led teaching has gained prominence as an effective approach. This study examines how a three-month OSCE program with a mock OSCE impacts 3rd year medical students and explores the views of 4th and 5th year medical student educators on skill enhancement. Objective This study aims to understand student perceptions of the OSCE program, including the mock OSCE, and evaluate its effect on the skill development of 4th and 5th year medical student educators. 

A structured three-month OSCE program involved 3rd year students in weekly sessions led by 4th and 5th year student educators. It culminated in a one-day mock OSCE for 80 students. Questionnaires captured student opinions on the program and mock OSCE. Simultaneously, 4th and 5th year medical student educators' insights were collected. Data underwent quantitative and qualitative analysis. 

Among 80 students, 64 responded (response rate: 80%). Most students found the program boosted confidence (78.1%), used effective resources (75%), was well-organized (73.4%), and aligned with their learning needs (71.9%). Educators reported improved teaching abilities (90%) and sharing of clinical insights (80%). Of the students providing OSCE grades (n=33), all scored 66% or higher. 

The study highlights the success of the OSCE program and mock OSCE in positively impacting 3rd year students. The program improved clinical skills and readiness for final exams. Involvement of 4th and 5th year medical student educators demonstrated effective guidance. Peer-led education benefits students and educators alike. Ongoing analysis will illuminate educators' contributions and perspectives.

Student Presentation, International Presenter

Presented By: Kevin Diebel, University of Minnesota Medical School
Co-Authors: Jessamina Blum, University of Minnesota Medical School

Leading productive meetings to meet common outcomes can be challenging. We will share the structures, tools, and approaches that we've found useful by engaging the audience in a poster that contains links to many useful resources that participants can take and use at their own institution. We've all been part of task forces, working groups, or committees where the discussion goes in circles, there's no clear outcome, and people feel their voices are not heard or considered. Ultimately, this experience causes more frustration to its members than productive conversations and outcomes. To avoid these common pitfalls, we will share our experience in leading a successful and complex working group charged with bringing in a diverse array of stakeholders across multiple campuses to unite towards a common outcome. The solutions that we employed during this process contained a mixture of technology, pre- and post-meeting work, extensive facilitation strategies, and a timeline that provided enough room for productive discussion but kept the group from derailing. Participants will learn how to create a meeting structure that supports collaboration and production of high-quality outcomes.

Presented By: Ryan Dillard, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Co-Authors: Sarah Donohue, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
AJ Pool, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Marcus Rossi, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria

The study aims to understand which aspects of podcasts are effective for disseminating knowledge, especially for medical students. Podcasts are popular, with 62% of Americans over age 12 listening to them. However, there is a lack of podcasts specifically designed for medical students. To address this gap, ""The Anatomy of a Medical Student"" podcast was created by two third-year medical students from the University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine, to highlight experiences of medical students. This podcast is designed as a look beyond the classroom, sharing the unspoken essentials of student knowledge. 

The podcast covers topics relevant to medical students, including study efficiency, success in clerkships, and managing student loans. It features discussions by the hosts and insights from guest physicians. To gather listener preferences and enhance the podcast, a six-week survey was conducted. Qualitative analysis was performed to identify themes from responses. 

"The Anatomy of a Medical Student" podcast earned a five-star rating, 73 subscribed listeners, and an audience across 34 countries. In the first survey week, 10% of subscribed listeners responded. The results showed a strong preference (86%) for personal stories and experiences episodes. 85% of listeners stream medical podcasts at least once a month. The ability to multitask was identified as the primary reason for podcast usage, 43% sighting driving as a specific example. 

Podcasts are underutilized tools in modern education. They cater to the needs of today's students, who prefer multitasking and personal, relatable content. To enhance their effectiveness, podcasts should consider factors like average commute times and guest speakers who can share experiences relevant to the current medical student audience.

Student Presentation, Student Travel Award Winner

Presented By: Aniela Mendez, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Co-Authors: Chan Camille, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Bernardo Casso Chapa, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Adrienne Galbraith, Saginaw Valley State University
Ciro Murguia Villafuerte, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Jyostna Pandey, Central Michigan University College of Medicine

Handling difficult conversations in healthcare settings is a challenging task, especially if it coexists with little or no training. How the news is handled has an impact on the bereavement and grieving process of the survivor. Even though many studies demonstrate that proper training increases the care provider's confidence, training in the healthcare providers is scarce, especially in the formative years. 

This pilot study included medical students from Central Michigan University College of Medicine (CMED), Health Sciences at Tecnologico de Monterrey (ECMS), and the Simulation Center of Saginaw Valley State Institute (SVSU). The intervention consisted of a death notification workshop and simulation delivered by the SVSU Simulation Center and implemented across the CMU and EMCS students. Before the simulation, the facilitator conducted a plenary session to instruct the attendees on the best practices for delivering a death notification. Then a simulation was held where a care provider had to break the news of sudden death to a survivor following the previously detailed steps. A pre-post methodology was used to determine changes in empathy and self-efficacy of death notifications based on the experience. Empathy was measured using the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire and self-efficacy with the GRIEV_ING Self-Efficacy Survey. No identifiable data was collected. 

The sample of this pilot implementation included 104 students from CMU and 60 from Tecnologico de Monterrey. Preliminary analysis shows promising results with an increase in the personal perception of confidence in the post-survey measurement. At present time, detailed analyses of the data are being conducted. 

Educational interventions on how to handle difficult situations and conversations are crucial in care provider formation. Many benefits may arise from these interventions. From improving survivor's satisfaction to preventing burnout in care providers.

International Presenter

Presented By: Steven Tata, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Co-Authors: Emily Ames, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Marley Jacobs, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Brian Kerlin, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Josh Levy, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Edward Simanton, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Colin Standifird, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Victoria Winter, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

This study aims to explore advancements in medical education tools by focusing on Anki, a popular, open-source spaced repetition software (SRS). Anki's algorithm enhances long-term retention by progressively increasing review intervals as information is recalled correctly. We investigate the impact of a one-handed computer controller interface on Anki's usability and efficiency, comparing it to traditional keyboard setups. This research seeks to enhance learning tool accessibility and adaptability, potentially revolutionizing student engagement with educational materials. The anticipated outcome is to lay a groundwork for future advancements in medical education technology, emphasizing accessibility and effectiveness. 

Subjects studied Anki cards using the two interfaces and were asked to provide feedback on each controller's accessibility, efficiency, and comparative usability. A questionnaire was administered to medical students who currently use Anki and have completed at least one session with a compact controller designed for one-handed operation. The survey was administered with a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Using a two-tailed t-test, the results were analyzed to determine if there was a significant difference between the traditional keyboard and the one-handed computer controller interface.

Preliminary results (n=10) showed that the one-handed computer controller interface was more enjoyable (p <0.001), more likely to increase use (p=0.002), more portable (p<0.001), and more versatile across platforms (p=0.029). Students also reported being able to study in more places, feeling less distracted, and reviewing material more efficiently while using the one-handed controller. Ongoing data collection aims to expand these findings.

In summary, our study suggests the one-handed computer controller enhances Anki use in medical education. With positive feedback on enjoyment, portability, and efficiency, this innovative interface holds promise for reshaping learning tools, fostering adaptability, and improving accessibility in medical education.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Margaret Hadinger, OnlineMedEd

Pre-matriculation programs have been shown to increase learners' preparation for the rigors of medical school. Such programs have been shown to be particularly helpful for students with a non-science undergraduate major, students with educational gaps, second-career students, and students who are underrepresented in medicine. However, these programs can be difficult to implement due to constraints on time, resources, faculty availability, and limited methods for content delivery. This has implications for schools that have historically matriculated a higher percentage of learners from these groups. 

A multicampus COM partnered with an online learning platform to pilot an optional, asynchronous 4-week program with OMS-1 matriculants prior to the start of AY23-24. The goal of this pilot was to assess the feasibility of such a program and to determine potential impacts on student learning, confidence, and wellbeing. Content included biochemistry, genetics, metabolism, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, and an introduction to OMM. Student usage was tracked and students were surveyed after the start of the academic year. 

Of the 400 students enrolled, 245 (56%) logged into the platform. Of those students that used the platform, 101 students (76%) completed at least 1 program lesson and 48 (36%) completed 5 or more lessons. Lesson completion increased from week 1 to week 2, was highest during week 2, and decreased through week 4, coinciding with the start of the academic year. Survey results indicated that participating students felt more prepared, more confident, and less stressed prior to the start of school. 

Preliminary survey data and qualitative feedback point to the benefit of incorporating online resources into medical school pre-matriculation boot camp. Such resources have potential to add value for learners while reducing workload for faculty and administrators and are potentially extendable across multiple campuses sites.

IM-REACH 2023 Cohort

Presented By: Axel Rivas, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Co-Authors: Justin Atkins, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Daniel Levine, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Kaitlyn Novotny, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Savannah Schauer, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Edward Simanton, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Stephanie Wang, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Artificial intelligence (AI) can facilitate the transformation of educational media from one form to another for adaptation to the preferred learning style of medical students. Traditionally learning modalities split learning styles into visual, aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic categories. Previous studies have shown some medical students prefer to learn through a combination of learning strategies. This may hinder their ability to learn the material if it is not presented in the preferred style. Current preclinical learning resources emphasize texts and videos which may be a disadvantage for kinesthetic and aural learners. AI tools possess the ability to simplify information and facilitate the conversion of educational media potentially aiding all forms of learning styles.

We will survey currently enrolled medical students at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV to evaluate preferred learning styles. Learning styles will be self-identified into categories based on the VARK questionnaire. Additionally, we will also survey whether medical students are utilizing AI tools for the conversion of learning media to their preferred style.

We expect the learning styles amongst medical students to vary in preference based on the VARK categories. Consequently, we do not expect AI tools to be utilized frequently by medical students to transform learning media into their preferred learning style.

We believe medical students are unaware of the functional way that AI can be utilized. Increasing awareness allows for the ability to incorporate AI into medical learning especially with the diversity among learning styles. This is especially important for students with different preferences of learning styles. Thus, utilizing AI to convert or tailor resources into preferred learning media has the potential to increase learning outcomes and foundational understanding. Further research is needed to determine if utilizing AI can increase learning outcomes such as class satisfaction.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Charlton Bassett, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Co-Authors: Emily Ames, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Eugene Kang, University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Michael Lauria, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Joshua Levy, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Marvi Moreno, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Kaden Norman, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Colin Standifird, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Kathry Sulkowski, University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Hunter Triplett, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Simulation tools are integral for medical education, but current commercial models for ultrasound-guided intravenous (IV) access can be cost prohibitive and lack representative anatomical complexities. This abstract demonstrates cost-effective gel models that exemplify realistic vasculature, creating a viable alternative to address these limitations. These advanced gel models incorporate intricate vein and artery arrangements that enhance medical training by providing a more veritable experience. Patient testing will further validate the efficacy of these models, encouraging improved opportunity for skill development in resource-constrained settings. 

In a controlled study at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine, twelve medical students with limited ultrasound experience participated in a workshop using novel and Blue Phantom models for ultrasound-guided IV catheter placement. These advanced models were created using Ziplock„¢ Tupperware, ultrasonography gel-filled balloons, and gelatin. Student confidence pre- and post-training was assessed using a verified survey method. 

Data analysis from ten constructed models and one commercial model using paired t-test's produced significant results for the advanced model and the chicken model, with insignificant results for all other models. Participants' confidence was assessed using a 5-point likert scale. Participants felt significantly more confident using the advanced model (3.2, p = .002) when compared to the commercial model (2.5), and significantly less confident using the chicken model (1.6, p = .039) when compared to the commercial model (2.5). 

This study proposes various advanced models for ultrasound-guided peripheral IV access training. One model demonstrated statistically significant increases in participant confidence levels, while several other models demonstrated increased average confidence levels without being statistically significant. Despite limitations in sample size and single-school participation, the advanced models' versatility and cost-effectiveness make them legitimate prospects for replacing current commercial models, enhancing training proficiency while reducing costs.

Presented By: Jessica Saw, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Authors: Kamryn Abraskin, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ryan Monjazeb, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chad Olson, National Center for Supercomputer Applications at University of Illinois
Tarika Patel, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aditya Vaidyam, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

MedTerms, created by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), is a web-based platform that uses visualization design and innovative software user interface development to support the workflows of medical student learning. Specifically, it supports students in understanding underlying medical concepts to reduce brute-force fact memorization. MedTerms also breaks down complex medical terms into smaller digestible concepts. 

A multi-disciplinary team (user experience designer, educator, medical students) applied a design-thinking approach for the development of MedTerms. The process was split into discovery, design and implementation phases. Each phase involved iterative design cycles that continuously incorporated student feedback. 

Phase 1, a proof-of-concept for a limited number of diseases, was completed in December of 2022 ( and piloted to first-year medical students. Phase 2 (current phase), takes MedTerms from the current proof-of-concept to a prototype. Phase 2 also brings in medical students through co-design, where students received hands-on experience in the software design and development process. Many elements of the Phase 1 design and functionality were improved given student feedback and real-world testing.

The long-term goal of this project is to build MedTerms as a primary third-party resource for medical education available for public use. ??With contributors from the Carle Illinois College of Medicine and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at UIUC, we envision a collaboration that exemplifies the cross-section of medicine, education, design, and software engineering.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Tyler Bland, University of Idaho

The primary aim of this innovative project is to enhance memorability and enjoyment in clinical case discussions during the Foundation Phase of medical school training. Specifically, the project endeavors to 1) improve knowledge retention, and 2) de-stigmatize disorders by featuring a celebrity who personally experiences the disease. 

In a novel approach, clinical cases focusing on autoimmune disorders and transplant immunology were transformed into a fictional sequel to "Another Cinderella Story," starring Selena Gomez, titled "Shattered Slippers." This choice leverages Selena Gomez's real-life experience with lupus and a kidney transplant, providing thematic continuity between otherwise disparate cases. The creation process involved several AI platforms: GPT-4 for plot development, Diffusion for image creation, Eleven Labs for narration, and GPT-4/Suno for theme song composition. In a reveal at the end, students were informed about Selena Gomez's actual medical conditions, linking the fictional narrative to real-life contexts. 

The fictional movie/case format received a highly positive reception from students. The case, segmented over several days, elicited anticipation and engagement, with students inquiring about the continuation of the "Selena Gomez case." 

Transforming clinical cases into fictional movies in the Foundation Phase of medical education seems to notably enhance student enjoyment during lectures. This approach holds promise for increasing the effectiveness of medical education through innovative storytelling and celebrity association. Future research will focus on evaluating long-term retention of case details and the effectiveness of this method in reducing stigma associated with the disorders covered.

Presented By: Miriam Borvick, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Co-Authors: Kencie Ely, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Gemma Lagasca, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Kaitlyn Novotny, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Peyton Sakelaris, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Edward Simanton, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Medical education relies on a variety of resources to develop students' logical thinking and general knowledge. The vast amount of information students must obtain requires multiple resources to cover every topic in each course. The cost of these resources is often limiting and forces students to look elsewhere for cheaper, accurate, and time-efficient information. The latest resource that students are turning to in order to satisfy this need are recently developed AI resources. These resources can advance students' medical knowledge, addressing their individual needs and goals. The aim of this study is to assess the frequency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) study tool utilization among medical school students and investigate its association with academic performance on preclinical exams.

A survey will be distributed to assess AI usage amongst two classes of medical students at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine. The survey will inquire about students' usage of both AI study tools and traditional, non-AI study tools. This study intends to gather information on which resources students use, how they utilize these resources, and to what extent they use AI tools to prepare for exams. Additionally, perception of preparedness for NBME exams as well as exam performances by medical students will be studied to determine what relationship, if any, exists between AI study tool usage and exam performance.

The anticipated finding is that there will be a positive correlation between AI study tool usage, exam performance, and perception of NBME preparedness among medical students.

If medical school performance is positively correlated with AI usage, then students would have an additional resource available to them during their pre-clinical phase. With the added benefit of AI being low to no cost, medical education would be efficient and more affordable for all students.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Michelle Rusch, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Co-Authors: Sean Creeden, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Daniel Henley, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Inki Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jane Maksimovic, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Claudia Mello-Thoms, University of Iowa
AJ Pool, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Andy Tu, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria

Residents in radiology typically suffer greater effects of fatigue compared with attendings. Differences are likely the result of novice readers using a selective feature-based exhaustive search opposed to a non-selective gestalt approach. Cumulative effects of related fatigue can lead to error. This study examines the question, does a head mounted augmented reality display help or hinder abnormality detection and offset fatigue in novice radiologists compared to expert attendings? 

Eight radiologists (4 attendings, 4 residents) provided a preliminary review of the testing interface (on MagicLeap [Ver 2.0, Magic Leap Inc., Plantation FL] and a standard monitor) to be used in a pilot study. The prototype presented abnormality detection in six CT head cases in videos presented at six frames per second (normal, subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, primary brain tumor, stroke). Effects of fatigue were examined using self report (SOFI) and objective measures (Critical Flicker Fusion).  

Feedback related to interface usability on both displays was mostly favorable (93%). MagicLeap ratings were also positive for control inputs and lighting (83%). There was variability in perceptions of the importance of video rates and scrolling (reported both in scores and comments). Forty percent of respondents considered the videos to be too fast. Analysis of relationships between fatigue and accuracy are still in progress.  

Feedback from the review provided lessons learned to inform the design for a pilot study (n=12) testing 32 CT head imaging sets. The pilot interface will integrate flexibility in imaging presentation (e.g., slower rates, images in reverse) to evaluate eye-tracking, detection accuracy, and speed. A region selection task will be added to increase statistical power. Future findings have the potential to positively affect accurate interpretation in radiology and provide the foundations for a novel collaborative clinical AI tool.

Presented By: Jonathan Bowden, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Co-Authors: Megha Mohanakrishnan, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Andrew Thompson, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Although qualitative analysis is a powerful tool in medical education research, it can be time consuming when large datasets are used. While recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to aid researchers in analyzing large datasets, it is unclear how results generated from this technology differ compared to traditional, manually (human) generated data. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into this question by comparing thematic analysis results between the authors and a commonly used AI platform, ChatGPT. 

This study utilized two years of data that stemmed from an open-ended question asking first year medical students to reflect on their feelings related to participating in dissection of the human body. Thematic analysis of the data was performed by first submitting a random sample of 30 responses to ChatGPT to generate an initial list of themes. Authors JB and MM then conducted an interobserver error study that included an iterative process where this initial list of themes was refined. Following satisfactory inter-observer error results, the authors each coded half of the entire dataset (N=343 responses). ChatGPT was then provided a list of the updated themes with descriptions and asked to code the entire dataset. Accuracy of the AI-generated results was explored by comparing the outcomes against those coded manually by the authors.

Accuracy was first investigated using the criteria of correctly assigning a code or correctly not assigning a code to each response. In this case, there was on average 83% agreement between ChatGPT and the authors. When considering accuracy in terms of agreement when a code as assigned, concordance dropped to an average of 44.5%.

AI-driven technology provides an opportunity to reduce the workload involved in qualitative analysis but lacks the nuanced interpretation of data required for the coding phase of thematic analysis.

Student Presentation, Best Student Poster Presentation Nominee

Presented By: Halie Kerver, Michigan State University Colleges of Osteopathic and Human Medicine
Co-Authors: Danielle Keller, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Cody Lee, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Teaching neuroanatomy through the lens of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sets medical students up for success. Many MRI learning resources currently available lack interactive and user-friendly functionality, require payment, or contain an overabundance of labeled structures. A free, user-friendly MRI atlas is needed, focusing on foundational structures for early medical students and allowing users to highlight single structures across multiple planes simultaneously. 

We created a web-based interactive atlas of neuroanatomical structures in MRI geared toward early medical education. The atlas, called Spartan Anatomy, is free, public facing, and serves as a supplemental resource for students to familiarize themselves with brain structures in MRI as they concordantly learn the clinical correlates of those structures in class. The website has a built-in quiz function as well. We asked participants to interact with the website for an undetermined amount of time and surveyed their perceptions of this new resource. 

41 students completed the survey, with most respondents being pre-med or first and second year medical students. Their perceptions of Spartan Anatomy were overwhelmingly positive, with free response answers citing the website's ease of use and ability to highlight brain structures in multiple views/planes simultaneously. Students also liked having the ability to highlight the entirety of a brain structure, which helped them comprehend the size, shape, and borders of a particular structure. Students also offered great suggestions for improvement, including providing instant feedback on the quiz function and including a structure list within the atlas. 

Spartan Anatomy will be a beneficial resource for early medical education and is now publicly available for use. We have plans to improve and expand the website to include more features and atlases.

Presented By: John Lee, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Co-Authors: David Davies, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Evan Hicks, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Tiffany Huitt, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Erica Malone, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
John Norys, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Humam Shahare, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Vanessa Weidling, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

One of the challenges for medical students is developing skills for self-directed learning. The rapid pace at which content is presented limits the ability to prepare for lectures in advance. The utilization of Generative Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly in many industries due to its potential for increasing productivity. However, the utility of AI as a tool for self-directed learning in medical education is not well defined. The purpose of this project is to determine if using generative AI, ChatGPT, is an effective augment for self-directed learning and lecture preparation for first year medical students in an Anatomy course. 

In this cross over design, first year medical students (n=32) independently studied new anatomy content in advance of a faculty lecture using provided resources under two conditions: with and without ChatGPT as a resource. All students participated in both conditions (ChatGPT, non-ChatGPT) and completed pre-and post-assessments after each session of independent study to measure efficiency in learning. Student performance scores were compared between pre-post assessments and between conditions. 

In both conditions, there was no difference among students in baseline knowledge of content (p =0.85350). In the ChatGPT condition, post assessment scores were significantly higher than baseline scores (p =0.00293). Importantly, this was not observed for the non-ChatGPT condition (p=0.21371). In addition, ChatGPT post assessment scores were significantly higher than non-ChatGPT scores (p =0.02731), indicating improved self-directed learning. 

We conclude ChatGPT can be utilized to augment the self-directed learning experience of medical students when preparing for anatomy lectures. Even with limited experience using ChatGPT, our study shows this technology is capable of directing the learning of medical students. It is imperative to educate medical students on the way in which this technology can benefit their learning process in this era of massive medical and technological growth.

Student Presentation

Presented By: Akshata Naik, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Co-Authors: Cody Bailey-Crow, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Brianne Lewis, Central Michigan University College of Medicine

Opportunities for student interaction and providing learner feedback are challenging in virtual asynchronous sessions when compared to face-to-face lecture sessions. Educators often pre-record didactic videos for asynchronous lectures but are unsure whether their learners actively engage with the educational content. Our research goal was to reduce didactic lecture time and increase the active participation of our learners in asynchronous sessions using teaching innovation. An interactive "branching scenario" activity is akin to a learner's journey along a path with a series of "fork in the road" points, requiring learners to make real-time decisions at every junction. When learners choose a particular "branch" its outcome is revealed, and they receive feedback. Hence, their learning process is interactive. We created asynchronous branching scenarios that mimic authentic, real-world clinical scenarios with built-in formative feedback for learners to replace part of our didactic lecture.

We reorganized two pre-recorded first-year medical student lectures, "Glycolysis" and "Acid-base physiology" to identify areas to integrate "branching scenarios" content. We created our branching scenarios using Qualtrics and H5P platforms and compared their utility. We also collected student engagement time with the branching scenarios.

We successfully replaced 30 out of 100 minutes of our didactic lecture time with two "branching scenarios" activities where learners could actively interact with the educational content and receive feedback on their learning. We used low-cost and readily available platforms to create interactive content that can be incorporated into learning management systems. Engagement data showed that >90% of students completed the activity.

"Branching scenarios" reduced didactic lecture time and allowed students to engage with educational content and receive feedback on their learning within asynchronous teaching modalities. As health professions education evolves and embraces hybrid formats, medical educators can design effective teaching modalities while providing appropriate learning feedback using "branching scenarios".

Faculty Travel Award WINNER

Presented By: Megan Lim, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Authors: Adam Cross, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Pengcheng Jiang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jimeng Sun, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Medical education entails the daunting task of comprehending vast amounts of information to be synthesized and understood in a limited timeframe. To alleviate this challenge, our project aims to create a web-based tool that harnesses the power of a large language model (LLM) to construct and visually present a clinical knowledge graph tailored to the specific context of the textbook being read.  

The application allows the user to upload any learning resource such as textbooks, research articles, and lectures. After indicating pages or concepts of interest, a query is sent to ChatGPT, a LLM developed by OpenAI, and a knowledge graph that visually displays connections within the text is generated. The graph can be further modified by the user through addition or deletion of specified nodes and edges as well as saved and reloaded for future access.   

After launching the tool to first and second year medical students at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, there are currently 63 active users of the site. Feedback indicated that the most helpful graphs were generated from research articles and textbooks, such as Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Diseases, rather than United States Medical Licensing Examination board preparation resources such as First Aid. It was also noted that the graphs offered a different perspective of the material and highlighted connections between concepts that were not immediately evident upon reading the text.  

This tool can enable students to engage in active learning by practicing explaining the connections made in the graphs that offer a potentially different outlook than their own. The vision is to construct a library of knowledge graphs shared between medical schools and students across the nation through collaborative effort.

Student Presentation, Student Travel Award Nominee

Presented By: Samuel Tisherman, University of Maryland Medical Center
Co-Authors: Nicholas Morris, University of Maryland Medical Center

Delayed recognition of patient deterioration and poorly coordinated responses contribute to poor outcomes. The purpose of this project was to improve rapid response to the deteriorating patient through a layered learning model involving a gaming app and in-situ simulation. 

The layered learning model was utilized to build from previous traditional didactics using a multi-platform game-based application to prime learners for the subsequent in-situ simulation. The game was distributed to first-line responders and focused on: Recognition of respiratory compromise, early activation of the rapid response team, preparation of critical care resources prior to rapid response team arrival, effective communication, and empowerment to advocate for patient safety. We coupled this experience with in-situ simulation followed by facilitated debriefing. Participants completed evaluations after the in-situ simulation. 

113 participants played the game a total of 465 times with an improvement of 24% noted over an average of 5 game plays. Successful attempts were measured by performing critical actions necessary to rescue the deteriorating patient. The mean percentage of critical actions on the first play was 52% compared to 70% on the third play and 76% by the fifth play. Additionally, 92 multidisciplinary team members (to include but not limited to nurses, patient care techs, rapid response team members, advanced practice partners, pharmacy staff) participated in an in-situ simulation. On evaluations, participants commented on an overall change in confidence and feeling more comfortable calling for help (as well as calling for the rapid response team), escalating care early, speaking up when needed, and performing closed-loop communication following the in-situ simulation. 

Through a layered learning intervention comprised of a gaming app and in-situ simulation participants reported improvements in care delivery. Further quantitative and qualitative assessment of the intervention is warranted.

Presented By: Megan Lim, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Co-Authors: Diamond Coleman, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Max Ledersnaider, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Noah Nigh, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Christopher Pecenka, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lisan Smith, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Carle Illinois College of Medicine (CIMED) has developed a paradigm-shifting curriculum incorporating engineering, innovation, and early clinical experiences. Although this curriculum allows students to acquire a deeper understanding of the principles of medicine by applying their knowledge of biopsychosocial sciences to clinical scenarios, identifying a systematic approach to seamless integration of pharmacology across organ-system blocks at CIMED has remained a challenge. To address this challenge, a task force composed of students, staff, and faculty was created and developed an interactive web interface, named PRORENATA, aligned with the first three organ systems in the CIMED preclinical curriculum.

The site consists of concept maps for disease states as well as a hierarchical overview of all drug classes within an organ system block. PRORENATA utilizes HTML, Javascript, CSS code, and the computational chemistry package, RDKit, to support visualization. Expandable menus reveal the mechanism of action, adverse effects, chemical structures, and pertinent drug interactions of specific therapeutics. Metric analytics are embedded into the website to obtain anonymous individual user data such as time spent on the website, number of clicks, and content accessed.

PRORENATA was launched to CIMED first-year medical students in August 2023. Analytics show there are currently 61 active users of PRORENATA, with an average engagement of 3 minutes per page.

Concept mapping allows students to formulate meaningful connections between key pharmacologic concepts.The student engagement from PRORENATA's initial launch demonstrates promise that this tool can be implemented longitudinally throughout the curriculum. Current endeavors include expanding our team of developers with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to enhance the user interface, create a more robust network, and create formative assessments of students' competency.

Student Presentation, Student Travel Award Nominee

Presented By: Gabriel Yapuncich, Duke University School of Medicine
Co-Authors: Jennifer Carbrey, Duke University School of Medicine
Matthew Velkey, Duke University School of Medicine

Generative artificial intelligence programs, specifically large language models (LLMs), have the potential to be powerful tools in educational settings. This study utilizes LLMs to summarize didactic lectures in the biomedical science curriculum at the Duke University School of Medicine. As succinct descriptions of session activity, the summaries may provide multiple benefits for students and educators, including aiding student review, integrating with curriculum management processes, and modeling appropriate use of generative LLMs. 

Session transcripts of 42 physiology lectures were input into the GPT-3.5 LLM with the prompt to summarize the text in 5-6 sentences. After minor editing of the output, the summaries were posted as supporting information on the session Canvas webpage. The utility of the summaries was evaluated through 1) narrative comments were solicited from students during course feedback sessions and 2) specific questions on the end-of-course survey. The utility for curriculum management was evaluated by directly comparing educator-provided objectives with the content of the summary. 

Students had a positive response to the LLM-generated summaries but expressed concerns about the reliability of generative AI to capture key points (i.e., to accurately summarize the learning objectives). However, direct comparisons between the educator-provided objectives and summaries show very strong correspondences, with the LLM-generated summaries generally providing more detailed objectives. 

This study demonstrates a straightforward but effective method to leverage the potential of LLMs in biomedical science education. The LLM-generated summaries created from session transcripts serve as easily interpretable signposts of session activity for students. They also facilitate curriculum management, providing information on session content and goals/objectives that can be readily incorporated into a curriculum database. However, areas of improvement remain, particularly clearly demonstrating the process and reliability of generative AI to all members of the learning community.

Presented By: Tawna Mangosh, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Co-Authors: Vamsi Chodisetty, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Connor Riegal, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

At CWRU, self-directed learning serves as an integral component of a student's medical education. Beyond required problem-based and interactive learning sessions, student participation and engagement with optional curricular content continues to fall short of faculty expectations. The AAMC Year 2 Questionnaire revealed that ~70% of medical students leverage third-party resources versus attend optional lecture-based sessions to solidify knowledge gained from required sessions. This is, in part, attributable to the ease of third-party resource workflow integration via a popular flashcard app used by medical students called Anki. The purpose of this study is to determine if the introduction of paired Anki flashcard decks for optional curricular content, specifically pre-clerkship pharmacology resource videos, improves students' resource engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes.

With each optional pharmacology resource video, paired Anki flashcards will be developed and shared, allowing students to seamlessly integrate pharmacology learning objectives into their existing Anki workflow. Students will be asked to indicate their use of and satisfaction with these resources at the conclusion of each semester and provide comments for qualitative analysis. Subsequently, pharmacology-related summative assessments will be compared across four student cohorts: those who only use pharmacology resource videos, those who only use Anki flashcard decks, those who use both, and those who use neither resource. Additionally, student perception ratings of clinical preparedness regarding pharmacology education on the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire will be compared with previous years upon graduation of the first cohorts with this intervention.

Data collection is in-progress, but initial feedback is promising.

Anki flashcards will empower students to integrate optional curricular content into their current workflow, resulting in improved student engagement and satisfaction with the pharmacology curriculum. Ideally, this will illuminate a new approach applicable to other optional curricular content.