Focus Session Presenters
Presenters are listed alphabetically by last name. Click on the magnifying glass to read each speaker's bio!

Kashif Ahmad
UAG School of Medicine
Dean of Medical Education
FS: Enhancing Anatomy Education Through Virtual Reality: From Basics to Clinical Proficiency
Revitalizing Medical Education: A Journey of Curriculum Redesign
UAG School of Medicine
Dean of Medical Education
FS: Enhancing Anatomy Education Through Virtual Reality: From Basics to Clinical Proficiency
Revitalizing Medical Education: A Journey of Curriculum Redesign

Unoma Akamagwuna
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education

Alice Akunyili
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Foundational Sciences
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Foundational Sciences
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls

Joanna Appel
University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Columbia
Assistant Professor
FS: Heads You Broach, Tails You Coach: Supporting Student Outcomes Through Flipped Learning
University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Columbia
Assistant Professor
FS: Heads You Broach, Tails You Coach: Supporting Student Outcomes Through Flipped Learning

Hadar Arien-Zakay
The Hebrew University
Senior Lecturer of Pharmacology Education
FS: AI in Health Professions Education: Friend or Foe?
The Hebrew University
Senior Lecturer of Pharmacology Education
FS: AI in Health Professions Education: Friend or Foe?

Johnnae Atkinson
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistance Professor and Associate Clerkship Director
FS: Choose Your Own Adventure: A Guided Exploration of Professional Self-Determination
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistance Professor and Associate Clerkship Director
FS: Choose Your Own Adventure: A Guided Exploration of Professional Self-Determination

Amy Baldwin
Augusta University / University of Georgia Medical Partnership and University of Georgia
AU / UGA Medical Partnership
Building Community and Resilience Amongst Medical Learners Through a Peer-Led, Faculty Supported Well-Being Program
FS: Be the Change: Using Person-Centered Language in Curricular Materials to Work Towards Health Equity
Augusta University / University of Georgia Medical Partnership and University of Georgia
AU / UGA Medical Partnership
Building Community and Resilience Amongst Medical Learners Through a Peer-Led, Faculty Supported Well-Being Program
FS: Be the Change: Using Person-Centered Language in Curricular Materials to Work Towards Health Equity

Kenn Barron
James Madison University
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students
James Madison University
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students

Kyle Bauckman
Nova Southeastern University College of Medicine
Assistant Dean of Curricular Affairs and Associate Professor
Probing the Ethical Aptitude and Perceptions of Medical Students
Piquing Curiosity: The Influence of Pre-Clerkship Education on Learner Curiosity
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum
Nova Southeastern University College of Medicine
Assistant Dean of Curricular Affairs and Associate Professor
Probing the Ethical Aptitude and Perceptions of Medical Students
Piquing Curiosity: The Influence of Pre-Clerkship Education on Learner Curiosity
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum

Laura Bauler
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
Associate Professor
FS: AI in Health Professions Education: Friend or Foe?
FS: Ideal Versus Practical: Strategies to Provide Medical Education Pedagogy to Transform Medical Students Into Exceptional Future Educators
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
Associate Professor
FS: AI in Health Professions Education: Friend or Foe?
FS: Ideal Versus Practical: Strategies to Provide Medical Education Pedagogy to Transform Medical Students Into Exceptional Future Educators

Keyna Bracken
McMaster University
Chair, Preclerkship
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning
McMaster University
Chair, Preclerkship
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning

Lynn Bragan
Director of Learning Programs and Projects
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students
Director of Learning Programs and Projects
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students

Victoria Brandel Cruz
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora UFJF
Medical Student
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora UFJF
Medical Student
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education

Joanna Brooks
University of Kansas Medical Center
Associate Professor
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity
University of Kansas Medical Center
Associate Professor
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity

Era Buck
Asst Dean Ed Dev
FS: Navigating the Medical Education Maze: Choosing an Optimal Instructional Method
Asst Dean Ed Dev
FS: Navigating the Medical Education Maze: Choosing an Optimal Instructional Method

Michael Campion
University of Washington School of Medicine
Director of Academic & Learning Technologies
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together
University of Washington School of Medicine
Director of Academic & Learning Technologies
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together

Dan Cannity
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Team Lead in Instructional Design, Engagement, and Support
FS: Building Assignments with AI: A Practical Guide to Responsibly Including AI into Assignments and Learning Activities
Plenary: Finding the I in AI: Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Team Lead in Instructional Design, Engagement, and Support
FS: Building Assignments with AI: A Practical Guide to Responsibly Including AI into Assignments and Learning Activities
Plenary: Finding the I in AI: Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligences

Cody Carter
Loma Linda University
Assistant Professor of Pathology
FS: Identifying Common USMLE Step-1 Test Taking Mistakes
Loma Linda University
Assistant Professor of Pathology
FS: Identifying Common USMLE Step-1 Test Taking Mistakes

Stefanie Carter
Nova Southeastern University's Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Interim Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies
Nova Southeastern University's Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Interim Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies

Zhi Xiong Chen
National University of Singapore
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Education
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls
FS: Developing a Pipeline Program to Nurture Next Generation Medical Science Educators
National University of Singapore
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Education
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls
FS: Developing a Pipeline Program to Nurture Next Generation Medical Science Educators