Poster and Oral Presenter Information

Setup and teardown times have *changed*.  Please check below for revised times.

Poster Presenters

  • Poster presentation schedule is as follows:
    • EVEN numbered posters
      • Sunday, June 16 from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
        • All students and award nominees are scheduled to present on Sunday, June 16th. 
    • ODD numbered posters
      • Monday, June 17 from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Poster setup and teardown times:
    • EVEN setup: June 16 from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM.
      EVEN teardown: June 16 from 6:30o PM - 8:00 PM

    • ODD setup: June 17 from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
      ODD teardown: June 17 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Posters should be printed at a maximum of 8 ft x 4 ft (243 cm x 121 cm). 
    • Layout example picture can be found below.

Poster board layout example

  • Poster boards and materials to hang them will be provided and can be found in the poster room. Your poster number will be displayed in the upper corner of the board. 
    • Do NOT mount your poster on a board that does not correspond to your number!
    • Mounted poster that does not correspond to its assigned number will be taken down by staff and stored at the registration desk.

Oral Presenters

  • Presentations are 10 minutes long with 5 minutes of moderated Q&A.
    • Laptops will be provided and will be pre-loaded with your presentation if you sent it in. 

If you did not send your presentation file to the IAMSE Admin Office by May 31st, you MUST bring it on a USB drive to the registration desk at least 4 hours before your presentation.

  • Presenters are not permitted to change time slots.
  • If a presenter is absent, the next presenter is NOT to proceed until their designated time. 
  • If you are unable to attend your presentation, please contact the IAMSE Office ( ASAP so that we can notify the moderator.