Focus Session Presenters
Presenters are listed alphabetically by last name. Click on the magnifying glass to read each speaker's bio!

Poh-Sun Goh
National University of Singapore
Associate Professor
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
FS: Enhancing Leadership Skills through Emotional and Cultural Intelligence
National University of Singapore
Associate Professor
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
FS: Enhancing Leadership Skills through Emotional and Cultural Intelligence

Jeremy Grachan
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Assistant Professor
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Assistant Professor
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education

Kelsey Grellinger
WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Ideal Versus Practical: Strategies to Provide Medical Education Pedagogy to Transform Medical Students Into Exceptional Future Educators
WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Ideal Versus Practical: Strategies to Provide Medical Education Pedagogy to Transform Medical Students Into Exceptional Future Educators

Charles Gullo
Gullo Consulting, LLC
Associate Professor
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies
Gullo Consulting, LLC
Associate Professor
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies

Aviad Haramati
Georgetown University School of Medicine
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity
FS: Empowering Educators by Improving their Well-being Through Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion
FS: Leadership and Followership in Health Professions Education: From Principles to Practice
Georgetown University School of Medicine
FS: How to Develop Into an Educational Leader and Avoid Common Pitfalls
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity
FS: Empowering Educators by Improving their Well-being Through Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion
FS: Leadership and Followership in Health Professions Education: From Principles to Practice

Amber Heck
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Associate Professor
PCWS: New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
FS: Heads You Broach, Tails You Coach: Supporting Student Outcomes Through Flipped Learning
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Associate Professor
PCWS: New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
FS: Heads You Broach, Tails You Coach: Supporting Student Outcomes Through Flipped Learning

Zachary Himmelberger
Motivate Lab
Lead Data Science Manager
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students
Motivate Lab
Lead Data Science Manager
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students

Lisa Howley
Medical Education
FS: Foundational Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education: Results of a National Initiative
Medical Education
FS: Foundational Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education: Results of a National Initiative

Chris Hulleman
Motivate Lab
CEO and Founder
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students
Motivate Lab
CEO and Founder
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students

Suzan Kamel-ElSayed
OUWB School of Medicine
Associate Professor
FS: Empowered Learning: Integrating Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Team-Based Learning (TBL)
OUWB School of Medicine
Associate Professor
FS: Empowered Learning: Integrating Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Team-Based Learning (TBL)

Anna Karwowska
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Vice President, Education
FS: The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Vice President, Education
FS: The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)

Sarah Keyes
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Choose Your Own Adventure: A Guided Exploration of Professional Self-Determination
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Choose Your Own Adventure: A Guided Exploration of Professional Self-Determination

Rachel King
Cleveland Clinic
Director, Educational Equity
FS: Building a More Inclusive Culture: Addressing Microaggressions - A Skills-Based Workshop
Cleveland Clinic
Director, Educational Equity
FS: Building a More Inclusive Culture: Addressing Microaggressions - A Skills-Based Workshop

Susan Kirk
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education
Baylor College of Medicine
Assistant Professor
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education

Surapaneni Krishna Mohan
Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute
Vice Principal & Professor
FS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
Redefining Assessment Strategies Using Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: A Qualitative Exploration into Diverse Perspectives of Medical Educators
FS: Dynamic Exploration of Narrative Educational Games in Health Sciences: Let's Create the Perfect Tale
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute
Vice Principal & Professor
FS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
Redefining Assessment Strategies Using Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: A Qualitative Exploration into Diverse Perspectives of Medical Educators
FS: Dynamic Exploration of Narrative Educational Games in Health Sciences: Let's Create the Perfect Tale
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education

Martha Laud
Larner College of Medicine - University of Vermont
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education
Larner College of Medicine - University of Vermont
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education

Tao Le
University of Louisville
Founder, CEO
PCWS: New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
FS: AI Prompt Engineering in Health Professions Education
University of Louisville
Founder, CEO
PCWS: New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
FS: AI Prompt Engineering in Health Professions Education

Constance LeBlanc
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
President and CEO
FS: The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
President and CEO
FS: The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)

Adam Lerchenfeld
Nova Southeastern University College of Allopathic Medicine
Medical Student
Developing a Framework for Spaced Repetition Incorporation into Curriculum
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum
Nova Southeastern University College of Allopathic Medicine
Medical Student
Developing a Framework for Spaced Repetition Incorporation into Curriculum
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum

Sarah Lerchenfeldt
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Associate Professor and Interim Co-Chair
FS: Empowered Learning: Integrating Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Team-Based Learning (TBL)
The Impact of Team Based Learning (TBL) on Student Response to Medical Uncertainty
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Associate Professor and Interim Co-Chair
FS: Empowered Learning: Integrating Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Team-Based Learning (TBL)
The Impact of Team Based Learning (TBL) on Student Response to Medical Uncertainty