Focus Session Presenters
Presenters are listed alphabetically by last name. Click on the magnifying glass to read each speaker's bio!

Youngjin Cho
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Immunology
PCWS: Integrating Basic Science and Clinical Medicine: From Curriculum to Classroom to Learner Assessment
FS: AI Kickstart for Health Science Educators: Practical Tools to Get Started Today with AI
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Immunology
PCWS: Integrating Basic Science and Clinical Medicine: From Curriculum to Classroom to Learner Assessment
FS: AI Kickstart for Health Science Educators: Practical Tools to Get Started Today with AI
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies

Voicu Ciobanu
Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine
Professor of Pathology
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education
Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine
Professor of Pathology
FS: Mastering The Art of Teacher-Student Interaction: The Cornerstone of High Quality Medical Education

Susan Cline
Mercer University School of Medicine
Senior Associate Dean
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning
Mercer University School of Medicine
Senior Associate Dean
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning

Michael Cosimini
Oregon Health and Science University
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education
Oregon Health and Science University
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education

Kimberly Dahlman
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Associate Professor of Medicine
PCWS: Ask, Answer, Disseminate: Your Roadmap to Educational Scholarship
Opening Ceremony
FS: Strategies to Promote Excellence in Clinical Performance Through Integration of Foundational Science
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Associate Professor of Medicine
PCWS: Ask, Answer, Disseminate: Your Roadmap to Educational Scholarship
Opening Ceremony
FS: Strategies to Promote Excellence in Clinical Performance Through Integration of Foundational Science

Valerie DeGregorio
Baylor College of Medicine
Associate Director PA Program
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education
Baylor College of Medicine
Associate Director PA Program
FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education

Bonny Dickinson
Mercer University School of Medicine
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
PCWS: Ask, Answer, Disseminate: Your Roadmap to Educational Scholarship
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning
Mercer University School of Medicine
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
PCWS: Ask, Answer, Disseminate: Your Roadmap to Educational Scholarship
FS: Empowering Basic Science Medical Educators: Exploring Career Evolution and Professional Identity
FS: Empowering Educators to Facilitate Self-Directed Learning Skills in Case- or Problem-Based Learning

Gia DiGiacobbe
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Director of Curriculum Design and Implementation
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine
Director of Curriculum Design and Implementation
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together

Russel D'Souza
Department of Education, International Chair in Bioethics
Head & Chair
FS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Bridging Borders & Disciplines: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Bioethics Education for Health Professions Educators
Department of Education, International Chair in Bioethics
Head & Chair
FS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Bridging Borders & Disciplines: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Bioethics Education for Health Professions Educators

Sarah Edwards
Association of the Study of Medical Education (ASME) and University Hospitals of Nottingham NHS Trust
Senior Emergency Medicine Resident
FS: Equitable Excellence: A Workshop on Inclusive Assessment Practices
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education
Association of the Study of Medical Education (ASME) and University Hospitals of Nottingham NHS Trust
Senior Emergency Medicine Resident
FS: Equitable Excellence: A Workshop on Inclusive Assessment Practices
FS: Method to your Mechanics: Design and Integration of Games for Health Professions Education

Lisa Elferink
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)
Assistant Dean
FS: Destigmatizing Learner Lapses: Considering Remediation in Medical Education
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)
Assistant Dean
FS: Destigmatizing Learner Lapses: Considering Remediation in Medical Education

Susan Ely
Baylor College of Medicine School of Medicine
Senior Faculty
FS: Creating Autodidactic AI-Enhanced Courses in Medical Education
Baylor College of Medicine School of Medicine
Senior Faculty
FS: Creating Autodidactic AI-Enhanced Courses in Medical Education

Kathleen Everling
University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston
Senior Medical Educator
FS: Curriculum Development Essentials: Explicit, Null, and Hidden Components
FS: Navigating the Medical Education Maze: Choosing an Optimal Instructional Method
University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston
Senior Medical Educator
FS: Curriculum Development Essentials: Explicit, Null, and Hidden Components
FS: Navigating the Medical Education Maze: Choosing an Optimal Instructional Method

Nicole Fennell
Cleveland Clinic Eduational Foundation
Administrative Director
FS: Building a More Inclusive Culture: Addressing Microaggressions - A Skills-Based Workshop
Cleveland Clinic Eduational Foundation
Administrative Director
FS: Building a More Inclusive Culture: Addressing Microaggressions - A Skills-Based Workshop

Gabrielle Finn
University of Manchester
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning, and Students
FS: Equitable Excellence: A Workshop on Inclusive Assessment Practices
University of Manchester
Associate Vice President for Teaching, Learning, and Students
FS: Equitable Excellence: A Workshop on Inclusive Assessment Practices

Alice Fornari
Donald and Barbara Zucker SOM at Hofstra Northwell
Associate Dean, VP Faculty Development
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
IAMSE Mentoring Program, IM-REACH (Pre-Registration Required)
FS: Be the Change: Using Person-Centered Language in Curricular Materials to Work Towards Health Equity
Donald and Barbara Zucker SOM at Hofstra Northwell
Associate Dean, VP Faculty Development
PCWS: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development
IAMSE Mentoring Program, IM-REACH (Pre-Registration Required)
FS: Be the Change: Using Person-Centered Language in Curricular Materials to Work Towards Health Equity

Jenny Fortun
Florida International University
Associate Professor -Department of Medical Education
Study Approaches of Second-Year Medical Students in the Context of Diagnostic Reasoning versus NBME Examinations
FS: Using Generative AI to Develop and Validate Progressive Case Disclosure Exams
Florida International University
Associate Professor -Department of Medical Education
Study Approaches of Second-Year Medical Students in the Context of Diagnostic Reasoning versus NBME Examinations
FS: Using Generative AI to Develop and Validate Progressive Case Disclosure Exams

Alliyah Francis
Motivate Lab
Project Manager
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students
Motivate Lab
Project Manager
FS: Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in Historically Underserved Students

Nagaraj Gabbur
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Health
ObGyn Program Director
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Health
ObGyn Program Director
FS: Implementing Competency-Based Education: Models, Technology Platforms, and Data Working Together